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Global History and Culture Centre

About Us

With expertise in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, the interests of the Global History and Culture Centre's members span the globe, and it is the connections between these different regions that are the main focus of the Centre's activities.

Established in 2007, the Centre forms an important part of the Department of History and the wider University. The Centre is at the fore of the development of global history as an integral part of the field of history. Read more about the Centre in a message from the directorLink opens in a new window.

Download the latest GHCC bookletLink opens in a new window

Find out more about our research on our blog.Link opens in a new window 

Research Focus

The Centre also hosts many other research projects and fellowships supported by a variety of funding bodies. We engage in teaching, graduate research, host visiting academic fellows, participate in research networks, and organise symposia, conferences, and seminar series.

Our members' research broadly falls under, but is not confined to, three large thematic clusters:

1. Material Life in a Globalising World

2. Power and Politics in the (Post)-Colonial World

3. Histories of Science and the Environment.

For full details, see our publicationsLink opens in a new window and researchLink opens in a new window pages.