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Global History and Culture Centre Blog

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Anti-colonial imagination and internationalism in Basque radical nationalism (1892-1939)

In this blog post Maria Reyez Baztán presents the findings of her PhD research, provisionally titled 'anti-colonial imagination and internationalism in Basque radical nationalism (1892-1939)'. Exploring the appropriation, adaptation and uses of anti-colonial ideas in early Basque radical nationalism through the analysis of Basque newsletters and newspapers, she shows how Basque radicals’ changing conceptions of colonialism correlate to global shifts occurring during this period. Her case study illuminates how ethnonationalist movements drew inspiration from ideas and events unfolding in different parts of the world, with anti-colonial movements providing a particularly constructive model for Western nationalists, who saw in these struggles a resemblance to their own history of oppression. These shared feelings acted as a source of connection which transcended national boundaries, embedding Basque nationalism within global intellectual history.

Music, Culture, and Empire in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Every Tuesday evening in August, Oxford-based orchestra Instruments of Time & Truth in collaboration with Warwick's Global History and Culture Centre and Early Modern and Eighteenth-Century Centre presents a digital series of performances and talks exploring the lives of musicians and their patrons in eighteenth-century London. The series will premiere on Youtube on 4 August at 7pm. This blog post features an historical essay accompanying the concert series by Professor Maxine Berg, detailing the rich musical culture of eighteenth-century London and Britain more generally and its historic links to empire, slavery, and changing global patterns of consumption.

The Pandemic, Privilege and Global History

Some six weeks after sending out a questionnaire to the wider GHCC community to survey their localised responses to the global pandemic (read more here), GHCC director Anne Gerritsen returns to the responses she received and surveys them in the light of the subsequent global responses to the murder of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement. Connecting the pandemic, privilege, and global history, this post closes our GHCC pandemic mini-series.

Thu 25 Jun 2020, 12:03 | Tags: pandemic, covid-19, Global History, Anne Gerritsen, racism

Who wears a mask? The global pandemic and a brief history of masks in Republican China

Amidst the current Covid-19 pandemic, the issue of wearing masks has become a topic of international public concern. During the early stages of this global pandemic, wearing masks was mostly associated with certain regional identities in Asia. Yet, as Zhu Jing shows in this latest contribution to the GHCC pandemic mini-series, wearing masks as a public health precaution has a very long and global history. Perhaps surprisingly, the introduction of masks in Republican China in the first half of the twentieth century was a direct outflow of interactions with, and influences from, the West. 

Sat 20 Jun 2020, 12:16 | Tags: pandemic, covid-19, Global History, Transnational history, Zhu Jing

Lockdown Reading: Trevor Burnard on Big Books, Globalisation and Pandemics in History

For those of us fortunate enough to be healthy, secure, and without caring responsibilities, the pandemic has offered an opportunity to pause and reflect on globalisation and the ways we write about it. In this guest blog, Professor Trevor Burnard, formerly Warwick History's head of department and currently Director of the Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation, talks us through his lockdown reading. In the wake of Covid historians will need to revise their accounts of globalisation, he suggests, although not quite as dramatically as political economists: "at least we sometimes get the past right while others speculate badly on the future."

Mon 15 Jun 2020, 19:04 | Tags: pandemic, covid-19, Global History, Trevor Burnard

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