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13 September Venue: IAS seminar room, Millburn House

11.30-13.00 Registration and Lunch
13.00 Opening Remarks RICHARD ALDRICH (University of Warwick)

13.30 Panel 1. Competing Internationalisms? Sovereignty, Intelligence and the Politics of Security Assistance
Chair: CHRIS MORAN (University of Warwick)
• ‘Creating a Commonwealth security culture? Surveillance, security sector reform and the politics of assistance in building the Tanzanian state, 1945-89’
THOMAS MAGUIRE (King’s College London)
The East German 'Stasi' and Vietnam: Between 'proletarian internationalism' and distrust
MARTIN GROSSHEIM (Passau University)
Domesticating Intelligence in Tanzania, 1950-1975
JAMES BRENNAN (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

15.00 Coffee

15.30 Panel 2. Covert Action and ‘Active Measures’ in the Global South
Chair: CALDER WALTON (Harvard University)
India, the Information Research Department, and the Politics of British Covert Action in Cold War South Asia
PAUL MCGARR (University of Nottingham)
Between the Horn and the Cone: On Soviet Bloc covert activities in Ethiopia and Chile in 1960s and 1970s
RADOSLAV YORDANOV (Davis Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard)
Covert Action à la Française
DAMIEN VAN PUYVELDE (University of Glasgow)
17:00 Coffee

17.30 Panel 3. Eastern Bloc State Security: People, Institutions, and Foreign Policy in the Global South
Soviet Americanists, Latin America, Afghanistan and Espionage in the Cold War, 1958-1991
SERGEY ZHUK (Ball State University)
The GDR’s Ministry of State Security, the Cold War and the Global South
ANNA WARDA (University of Potsdam)
Czechoslovak Spies on the “Black Continent”: Strategy and Activities of Czechoslovak Intelligence in Africa in the 1960s
JAN KOURA (Charles University) and MIKULAS PESTA (University of Exeter)
Hungarian Interior Ministry Intelligence in South Vietnam during the Last Years of the War, 1973-1975
JANOS KEMENY (Independent Scholar)
19:00 Informal Drinks (on-campus bar)
20.30 Dinner for workshop participants
Keynote Speaker: Professor Christopher Andrew, the author of The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5 (University of Cambridge)


14 September Venue: IAS seminar room, Millburn House

9.00 Panel 4. Coup d’etat, Revolution, and Elite Maintenance in Latin America
Chair: RICHARD ALDRICH (University of Warwick)
• ‘The other hidden hand’: Soviet and Cuban intelligence in Allende’s Chile
KRISTIAN GUSTAFSON (Brunel University London)
• Cuba’s DGI and G-2 in the First Decade of Revolution
JONATHAN C. BROWN (University of Texas at Austin)
Juan Antonio Rodriquez Menier and the Cuban Intelligence Service (DGI)
JAMES LOCKHART (American University of Dubai)

10.30 Coffee

11.00 Panel 5. International Terrorism, Counter-Intelligence and the Cold War in the Middle East
Chair: MELINA DOBSON (University of Warwick)
• From Marxism-Leninism to the Shooting Range: Training Third World Cadres in Czechoslovakia (1982-1989)
Codename “Balbek”: Polish Military Intelligence in Lebanon, 1965-1990
PRZEMYSLAW GASZTOLD (Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw)
State-supported terrorism and the challenges for intelligence: the MI5 and the Shin Beth countering Libya’s involvement in Palestinian Armed Struggle, 1973-74
AVIVA GUTTMAN (King’s College London)

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Panel 6. State Security, Sovereignty and Modernization in Africa
Chair: DAVID ANDERSON (University of Warwick)
‘A shadowy figure in the wings’: British intelligence relations with Kenya in the 1960s-70s
POPPY CULLEN (University of Cambridge)
• French Intelligence and State-building in early postcolonial Africa 1960-1974
NATHANIEL POWELL (King’s College London)
From the Barrel of a Gun: Military Training in the USSR and the Liberation of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde, 1961-1974
NATALIA TELEPNEVA (University of Warwick)

Brothers in Arms: Morocco’s Military Intervention in Support of Mobutu of Zaire during the 1977 and 1978 Shaba Crises
FARID BOUSSAID (University of Amsterdam)

15.00-15.30 Closing discussion and workshop ends

*The workshop is organized jointly by PAIS and the History Department, University of Warwick. The organizers express their gratitude for support from the Institute of Advanced Study, the Humanities Research Centre, the GPP for “Connecting Culture”, and Global History & Culture Centre, University of Warwick