Elizabeth Chant, 'Art and Politics across the Atlantic: The Atlas maritimo del Reyno de el Peru, Chile, Costa Patagonica Oriental, y Occidental (1797)', The International Journal for the History of Cartography, Vol 75, 2023
Thomas Simpson, ‘Climate, cartography, and the life and death of the “natural region” in British geography’ (with Mike Hulme), Journal of Historical Geography, 80 (2023), pp. 44-57
Thomas Simpson, ‘Imperialism, colonialism, and climate change science’ (with Harriet Mercer), WIREs Climate Change, 14, 6 (2023), e851
Tom Long and Carsten-Andreas Schulz, "Compensatory Layering and the Birth of the Multipurpose Multilateral IGO in the Americas," International Organization, vol. 77, no. 1 (Winter 2023), pp. 1-32.
Maxine Berg and Pat Hudson, Slavery, Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution. (Polity Press 2023)
Anne Gerritsen, Bencao's Global Adventures: Commodities and Trade of Materia Medica from the 5th Century《本草环球记——5世纪以来全球市场上的药物、贸易与健康知识生产》(co-edited with Gao Xi 高晞) Zhonghua shuji 中华书局 2023
Guillemette Crouzet, "Napoleon of Arabia? Piracy in the Persian Gulf, the French Threat to India, and British Imperial Responses" in Thomas Dodman and Aurelien Lignereux, From the Napoleonic Empire to the Age of Empire: Empire after the Emperor (London: Palgrave Macmillan: 2023)
Guido van Meersbergen, 'The Dutch East India Company in South Asia', Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History (Oxford University Press: 2023)
Anne Gerritsen and Burton Cleetus, eds., Histories of Health and Materiality in the Indian Ocean World: Medicine Material Culture and Trade 1600-2000. (Bloomsbury Academic 2023)
Anne Gerritsen, ‘Global Qing’, in China’s Hidden Century: 1796-1912, edited by Jessica Harrison-Hall and Julia Lovell ( British Museum Press, 2023)
Giorgio Riello (with Maria Hayward and Ulinka Rublack) eds., A Revolution in Colour: Natural Dyes and Dress in Europe, c. 1400-1800;(London: Bloomsbury, Sept. 2023)
Giorgio Riello (with Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli and Luca Molà), Tutte le Perle Del Mondo: Perle nel Medioevo e Rinascimento (Bologna: Il Mulino, forthcoming Oct. 2023)
Giorgio Riello (with Christopher Breward and Beverly Lemire), eds. The Cambridge Global History of Fashion, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming Aug. 2023)
Anderson, David M. Resistance, Protest and Rebellion in Kenya: Colonial Crimes, 1890-1963 (London: Routledge, to be published September 2023)
Anderson, David M., and Maxmillian J. Chuhila (in press). ‘Whose future? Protection or production in debates about development in the Kilombero valley, Tanzania’. In Michael Bollig and Detlef Mueller-Mahn (eds), Future Rural Africa (Woodbridge: James Currey, 2023)
Anderson, David M., Kennedy Agade Mkutu, Klerkson Lugusa, and Evelyne Atieno Owino (in press). ‘Water governance, state infrastucture and rent-seeking scoundrels: understanding the dynamics of scarcity in Isiolo County, Kenya’, Review of African Political Economy (2023)
Anderson, David M. (in press). ‘Water scarcity and violence in East Africa: understanding micro-conflicts and climate change’. In Timothy Clack, Ziya Meral and Louise Selisny (eds.), Hot War: Climate Change & (In)Security (London: Routledge, 2023)
Michael Bycroft, “The Eighteenth Century Problem, 40 Years On,” special issue, co-edited with Adrian Wilson, in Journal of Early Modern Studies, (forthcoming in summer 2023)
Somak Biswas, Passages through India: Indian Gurus, Western Disciples and the Politics of Indophilia, 1890–1940, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2023)
Camillia Cowling, “‘The People of All Kinds Who Walk Along the Lines’: The Precarious Mobilities of Unfree Workers on Cuba’s Early Railroads,” forthcoming in Nov 2023, Slavery & Abolition (special issue, eds. Bethan Fisk and Jose Lingna Nafafe, "Captive Mobilities: Movement, Slavery, and Knowledge Production in the Iberian World")