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A Different Point of View: Scales, Spaces and Contexts in Histories of the Local and the Global

This conference on Global Microhistory is the first of a cycle of three conferences on new pathway of Global History. This first conference of the series is also this year’s GHCC Annual Conference, and focuses on the theme of ‘Scales, Space and Contexts in Histories of the Local and the Global’.

A new generation of historians challenges us to bring together two popular historical methodologies of recent decades: micro history and global history. A number of microhistories now seek to engage in the histories of places, events and individuals in a way that also captures the history of global connections as brought to life by global historians. Global historians also seek to move beyond large-scale syntheses and comparative data sets to engage closely with primary sources, philology, and local context. They too seek ways of conveying agency, individual histories, events and locality within a global framework. This cycle of conferences and museum events addresses major problems and opportunities arising in our writing about our past and in its display in museums.

‘Scales, Spaces and Contexts’, the first of the Global Microhistory conferences takes place at Warwick on the 17th to 19th of May, 2018. It brings together leading historians to address issues of connection and agency, local spaces, and the multiple contexts of our histories of events and individuals. Speakers include Paula Findlen, Francesca Trivellato, Jeremy Adelman and Anne Gerritsen.

Thursday, 17th May

Room: R0.3/4 Ramphal Building

5:00 PM Public Lecture

Chair: Anne Gerritsen (University of Warwick)

‘Catholic Geographies of the Global’ Paula Findlen (Stanford University)

Comment: Susanna Burghartz (Basel University)

6.30 PM Drinks reception

Friday 18th May

Room: WBS 2.005/6, Warwick Business School

Opening Welcome: Maxine Berg, John-Paul Ghobrial, Jorge Flores

9:00-11:00 Localities

Chair: Erica Charters (University of Oxford)

‘Localities in Global History’ Anne Gerritsen (University of Warwick)

‘Global History Now – Can We Reposition the Local?’ Jeremy Adelman (Princeton University)
Comment: Pat Hudson (University of Cardiff)

11:00 Coffee

11:30-1:00 Microhistory

Chair: John-Paul Ghobrial (University of Oxford)

‘What Differences Make a Difference? Scales of Comparison in Micro and Global History’ Francesca Trivellato (Yale University)

Comments: Giuseppe Marcocci (University of Oxford)

1:00-2:00 Lunch

2:00-3:30 Geographies of the Local

Chair: Catherine Holmes (University of Oxford)

‘Bread in Local Context’ Jan de Vries (Berkeley University)

‘Micro Spaces of the Maritime World – The Prize Papers Collection as a Source’

Dagmar Freist (University of Oldenburg)

Comment: Guido van Meersbergen (University of Warwick)

3.30-4.00 Tea

4:30-6:00 Merchants and Migration

Chair: Jorge Flores (EUI)

‘Migration between the Ottoman Mediterranean and Spain’ Cecilia Tarruell (University of Oxford)

‘The Voyage of the Santa Catharina’ Sebouh Aslanian (UCLA)

Comment: Julia McClure (University of Glasgow)

7:00- Dinner

Saturday 19th May

Room: WBS 2.005/6, Warwick Business School

9:30-11:00 Work and Labour

Chair: Zoltán Biedermann (University College London)

‘New World Blues and Old World Dyers: Episodes of Conflict’ Adrianna Catena (University of Warwick)

‘Convict Transportation and Micro-Spatial History’’ Christian de Vito (University of Leicester)

Comment: José Escribano Paez (University of Warwick)

11:00-11:30 – Coffee

11:30-1:00 : Objects and Collecting

Chair: Claudia Stein (University of Warwick)

‘Minerals and Gems’ Michael Bycroft (University of Warwick)

‘Natural History and Scientific Collecting’ Sarah Easterby-Smith (University of St. Andrews)

Comment: Luca Molá (European University Institution)

1:00-2:00 - Lunch

2:00-3:30 Trading Centres and Mercantile Networks

Chair: Shinobu Majima (Gakushuin University / University of Warwick)

‘Nootka Sound as a Global-Micro Trading Centre’ Maxine Berg (University of Warwick)

‘Murder with a Borrowed Knife: Western Women’s Misadventures in the Forbidden Port of Canton, 1830' Song-Chuan Chen (University of Warwick)

Comment: Giorgio Riello (University of Warwick)

3:30-4:00 - Tea

4:00-5:00 Concluding Panel

Chair: Charles Waiton (University of Warwick)

John-Paul Ghobrial, Jorge Flores, Paula Findlen

‘A hat of a chief whaler’
made of cedar fiber in the 18th century by 'Nootka' Indigenous people
Museum of the Americas (Madrid)