Current Research
Re-imagining Democracy
Sister project to Barricades
Re-imagining Democracy is a 4-part collaborative research project exploring how older understandings of democracy were re-imagined and reworked intellectually, practically and institutionally in the movements for and against reform across Europe and the Americas (1750 -1870). The final part on Central and Northern Europe will run from 2022-2026.
Sister project to Re-Imagining Democracy
This is a collaborative research project on contesting power across Europe 1815-1850.
Imperial Afterlives
The First World War witnessed the dramatic collapse of the German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empires, ushering in a new international order that was formalised in the Treaty of Versailles and its associated agreements up to 1923. This AHRC research project examines this period of transition from several angles.
The Memory Group
The Memory Group is an interdisciplinary group of graduate students and faculty with research interests in memory, memorialisation, and related issues of trauma and nostalgia.
Urban reconstruction, 1914-1939
Rebuilding European Lives. The reconstitution of urban communities in inter-war Europe (1914-1939).
War Remembrance in Europe
‘The Army of the Unknown Soldiers: War remembrance in inter-war Europe’. This project is dedicated to the transnational history of war remembrance in Europe.
Constructions of Public Office
This is an AHRC-funded project that focuses on understandings of public office and its responsibilities
Napoleon's 100 Days
The Last Stand: Napoleon's 100 Days' is the result of a collaboration between Professor Mark Philp, the European History Research Centre, and a team working on an AHRC-funded project on French Theatre of the Napoleonic Era
Find out more information about the project here.