JoJo Johnson is the manager of a group of public hospitals in Nairobi. In two of the hospitals under his direction there has been an outbreak of a super-virus and several people have died, although he believes that the outbreak is now contained and, while there are patients who are still affected, they have been isolated from the rest of the hospital. He has not announced the outbreak because he is concerned that it will produce panic in those needing hospital treatment. He is asked at a senior management meeting how serious the situation is. He knows that he does not have the confidence of the whole team and that some believe he should be replaced in the job.
What should he tell them?
The team say that they think that a press conference in which the outbreak and its successful termination are announced will avoid accusations of a cover-up - and will reassure patients and their relatives about the hospitals' handling of the outbreak. He agrees. On the way to press conference, one of his most loyal aides takes him to one side to tell him that there has been a further case diagnosed outside those being treated in isolation.
What should he do? Above all, what should he say at the conference? Should he cancel it? What should he do if asked whether the outbreak is over?
What principles are involved in this case?
Johnson should clearly show leadership - but what does that involve?
Should he be committed to honesty - might openness about the problem have risks?
How should he weigh the vulnerability of the position he occupies in relation to his response to the demands of the principles?
What is the right thing to do here?