The book trade
- gives access to Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bücher
- KNÖ K&V databases of European books in print. Contains fewer German titles than VLB
- German Studies Web: book trade, publishers etc other alternatives to VLB and KNÖ K&V, plus online bookshops
- Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels
- Frankfurter Buchmesse
- Leipziger Buchmesse
- German Book Office, New York promotes the translation of German books into English. Has a catalogue of titles recommended for translation, details of new and forthcoming translations, bookstores, events, links etc
- New Books in German Online version of the magazine promoting new German books to English-language publishers
- New! Site for the promotion of contemporary German literature worldwide
- New! Database of books reviewed since 15.3.2000 in the major German Feuilletons, plus contents of European magazines, the Literaturbeilagen since autumn 1999 and book trade news. Some entries link through to the newspaper articles themselves
- FAZ-NET Rezensionen New! Book reviews from the FAZ
- Leseproben im Internet is currently offline - we are urged to have patience
- Verlage in Deutschland from HBZ. Click on Verlage on the left frame
- GAP: German academic publishers New! DFG-funded project to promote collaborative electronic publishing by university publishers
New name for ZVAB, Zentrales Verzeichnis antiquarischer Bücher
- Zeusman New! Search engine for second-hand books and graphics
- Harrassowitz Booksellers and subscription agents; run UW's Approval Plan for contemporary German literature
- abiszet Bücherservice GmbH
- Bü New! For books, videos and DVDs
- Mail Order Kaiser books and videos delivered worldwide
- Zweitausendeins The discount book and CD chain on the Web
- Bücherstadt Wünsdorf New!
- Buchdorf Mühlbeck-Friedersdorf New!