Literature links by period
This arrangement, and the allocation of authors to periods, reflects the structure of teaching at Warwick.
Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
- 19th-century German stories
New! Selection of famous stories in German and English
- Georg Büchner Works, biography, bibliography
New! Droste-Hülshoff texts, bibliographies, research forum etc
- Goethezeitportal New from the LMU, Munich
- Weimarer Goethe-Bibliographie online New! 1999-2001 available so far
- Goethe concordances New! Goethe's works (Hamburger Ausgabe) and letters (Weimarer Ausgabe) word-searchable. If the databases don't open properly click on the Refresh button. NB the full text is not included
- Goethe-Wörterbuch online
- Das Goethe-Haus, Frankfurt am Main
- GoetheNet Goethe in Ilmenau
- Der Faust im Internet Peter Stein's production for ZDF on the Web! Needs RealPlayer 8.0
- Study guide for Goethe's Faust (Paul Brians, Washington State University)
- Editionsprojekt Karl Gutzkow
- Heinrich-Heine-Portal New! Set to become the biggest Heine site on the net. Works, letters, MSS, bibliographies etc
- Heinrich Heine (Düsseldorf)
- Heinrich Heine-Jahr Düsseldorf 1997
- Der Dichter Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843) Lists of works, biography, bibliographies etc
- Friedrich Hölderlin: selected poems New! Translations by James Mitchell
- Das Hölderlin-Archiv (Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart)
- Internationale Hölderlin-Bibliographie online references since 1984 freely available
- Akademieausgabe von Immanuel Kants Gesammelten Werken
- Immanuel Kant: What is Enlightenment? the text in English
- Immanuel Kant's What is Enlightenment?: a brief introduction
- Michel Foucault: What is Enlightenment? (Was ist Aufklärung?)
- Kleist-Archiv Sembdner der Stadt Heilbronn
- Forschungsstelle J.M.R. Lenz, Mannheim
New! Verzeichnisse, Texts, Chronik etc
- Lessing-Portal
New from the Lessing-Akademie, Wolfenbüttel. Texts, translations, study resources
- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: The Education of the Human Race the text in English
- The novels of Fanny Lewald
New from Washington University in St Louis: ten digitised novels
- Internationale Novalis-Gesellschaft
- Jean-Paul-Portal
- Friedrich Schiller Works, biography, bibliography
- Schillerjahr 2005 New! Events, texts etc
c. 1870 - 1918
- Deutsche Dichterhandschriften des poetischen Realismus manuscripts indexed by location and author
- Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919)
- Theodor Fontane 1819-1898 Excellent site with links to texts, biography, criticism etc
- Theodor Fontane Works, biography, bibliography
- Theodor-Fontane-Archiv Potsdam
- HvH online: Informationen zu Hugo von Hofmannsthal
- Franz Kafka Web-Site
- Kafka
New! Texts, biography, interpretations
- The Kafka Project
All Kafka's texts in the manuscript versions
- Oxford Kafka Research Centre
- Die Fackel: vollständiges Inhaltsverzeichnis Index to Karl Kraus' periodical. Still in progress!
- [Gebrüder Mann] Buddenbrookhaus, Lübeck
- Buddenbrookhaus the official page
- Internationales Heinrich-Mann-Forum New!
- Thomas Mann concordance New! Mann's works (S. Fischer edition) word-searchable. If the databases don't open properly click on the Refresh button. NB the full text is not included
- Thomas Mann-Figurenlexikon
by Eva D. Becker. New!
- Thomas-Mann-Archiv der ETH Zürich
- Thomas Mann New - from S. Fischer Verlag
- Click on Gedichte for all the poems in full text
- Internationale Rilke-Gesellschaft Includes the Blätter and the bibliographies for 1991-1998
- Theodor Storm and his world
- Frank Wedekind: Leben und Werk
- Frank Wedekind: Texte im Internet from Helmut Schulze's page
Weimar Republic and National Socialism
- Kapitalismus und schöne Literatur: Wirtschaft und Literatur in der Weimarer Republik Virtual exhibition
- Exil-Archiv: Virtuelles Zentrum der verfolgten Künste New!
- Dreigroschenheft: Informationen zu Bert Brecht
- International Brecht Society
- Bertolt Brecht turns 100: a web exhibition
- Internationaler Arbeitskreis Hermann Broch New!
- Georg Kaiser Collection Bibliography from Alberta
- Else Lasker-Schüler (1869-1945)
- Klaus Mann: Mephisto Page from Bayerischer Rundfunk
- Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrum Osnabrück Exhibition and archive
- Erich Maria Remarque-Projekt excellent site focusing on Im Westen nichts Neues
- Ernst-Toller-Gesellschaft
Postwar literature East and West
- Literarisches Leben: Datenbank zu den deutschsprachigen Ländern 1945-2000 New! Database of literary figures, criticism, prizes etc. In progress
- Der Holocaust in der aktuellen deutschsprachigen Literatur Site is being revised
- Was bleibt? Deutsche Prosa (Ost und West) seit 1945 Goethe Institut London exhibition
- Schriftstellerinnen der DDR Vassar page on the major authors
- Literaturzensur in der DDR
- Literatur zur deutschen Einheit: eine annotierte Bibliographie From the Goethe-Institut Bordeaux. Gives references to reviews of the novels listed
- Türkisch-deutsche Literatur
- Heinrich Böll From the Erbengemeinschaft Heinrich Böll
- Paul Celan Homepage
- Ingeborg Drewitz: Gestern war Heute - Hundert Jahre Gegenwart Useful page, compiled for German schools
- Robert Gernhardt
- Günter-Grass-Stiftung Bremen
- Günter Grass-Haus Lübeck New!
- Günter Grass: Nobelpreis für Literatur 1999 (from the Virtuelle Allgemeinbibliothek)
- German Studies Web: Günter Grass special - the WessWeb Nobel Prize page
- A Christoph Hein Homepage
- HHH - Hommage à Helmut Heißenbüttel
- Kempowski-Archiv Rostock New!
- New! - homepage of Norman Ohler
- Bernhard Schlink reviews, interviews etc
- Die Arno-Schmidt-Referenzbibliothek
New from the Gesellschaftder Arno-Schmidt-Leser: digitised texts from AS's library
- W.G. Sebald: works and influences Davidson College symposium. Includes links to reviews
- Martin Walser-Bibliographie Aims to contain all writings on Walser up to his 70th birthday (March 1997). By Andreas Meier, Wuppertal
- Inhaltsverzeichnis zur Walser-Affäre Chronology from Perlentaucher of the controversy over Martin Walser's Tod eines Kritikers
- Internationale Peter Weiss Gesellschaft New!