General pages | Business | Cities, regions | Government | History | Libraries, literature, book trade | Media, newspapers | Universities
General pages
- Information about Switzerland
- SwissInfo
- Yoodle
- CH-Webs Swiss links in all subjects
- Swiss Embassy in London
- Embassy of Switzerland in the United States
- CIA World Factbook: Switzerland
- Infonautics Directory of Switzerland index of Swiss business, companies, hotels and tourism in Switzerland
- Swissinfo: Wirtschaft
- Swiss FirmIndex
- Geneva Financial Centre finance institutions, training, topics etc. Also in French
- Swisscom
- SBB Online: Schweizerische Bundesbahnen English version here
Finding a job in Switzerland
see also our company information page
Cities, regions
- Die Schweiz, sortiert nach Städten/Gemeinden/Dörfern All sites with the Swiss country code .CH, sorted by city
- DINO: Regional: Schweiz
- Gazetteer of Switzerland New! Location maps of towns and villages in Switzerland
- Zürcher Bibliographie New! Data since 1998 online, searchable since 2005. From the Zentralbibliothek Zürich
- DINO: Staat und Politik: Schweiz
- Confoederatio Helvetica: Swiss Confederation
- Embassy of Switzerland, London
- Embassy of Switzerland in the United States
- Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz Searchable database of Swiss diplomatic documents, organizations etc from 1945-1952, plus federal laws, statutes etc from the 1930s to the 1960s. Also available in English
- Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz Available in French, German and Italian. Still in progress - some headwords have no articles yet
- Schwabenkrieg/Schweizerkrieg 1499: Quellen und Materialien From Freiburg University
- Forum 1499: Dokumentation zur Wanderausstellung zum Schwabenkrieg
Libraries, literature, the book trade
- Swiss libraries includes the national and university libraries
- CHVK: Schweizer Virtueller Katalog Metasearch engine to Swiss libraries
- NEBIS: Netzwerk von Bibliotheken und Informationsstellen in der Schweiz New! Union catalogue - includes some contents pages and abstracts
- Hochschulbibliotheken Schweiz
- Schweizerische Landesbibliothek / Bibliothèque nationale suisse
- Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv
- Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv includes catalogue of literary manuscripts in other Swiss libraries and archives
- BBS: Verband der Bibliotheken und der Bibliothekarinnen/Bibliothekare der Schweiz
- Literarisches Leben: Datenbank zur deutschsprachigen Literatur 1945-2000 New! Database of literary figures, criticism, prizes etc. In progress
- ATHENA Helvetia page Swiss texts online
- Schweizer Buchzentrum Wholesale bookseller - catalogue, bookshops, publishers online
- Das Schweizer Buch New! 2006 on.
Media, newspapers
- German radio stations online live 14 Swiss stations on the Web
- Schweizer Radiosender from the University of Exeter media page
- Internet TV from Switzerland from the Worldwide Internet TV Portal. Four channels online
- Onlinenewspapers.com: Switzerland Very extensive alphabetic listing of Swiss papers in all languages
- Basler Zeitung
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung has 30 days of archive free
- Der Tages-Anzeiger
- Die Weltwoche archive currently contains online articles for 1996 and 1997 only
- Zeit-Fragen Monthly dealing with current political and ethical issues