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After all this weary journeying I have arrived at the left half of your room.
It was the morning prayers that woke me, and this town with its belly at
sea level is leaving its beds. I can see you now with water dripping
from your feet, kneeling before the window with no daylight in it.
You told me solemnly, He is closer to me than my jugular vein. And I
said nothing, rather than showing you doubt or dismissal. Ever since
you kept me here in this land, I haven’t cried for benediction to my lord.
You’ve changed the fear in me and I constantly push it towards you, willing
you to have it. In your sleep you are impervious to me. I ask for
nothing, not even forgiveness. I touch five fingers to your open
neck and thank Your god that I made it here.
This will be the last battle, the battle I’ll always choose.