'Aldus Manutius Humanist, Printer, and Philologist' (Aldo Manuzio umanista, editore e filologo)
A one-day conference on 'Aldus Manutius Humanist, Printer, and Philologist' ('Aldo Manuzio umanista, editore e filologo') to be held at the Sala delle Edicole, Capitanio Palace, 3 Capitaniato Square, Padua, Italy.
Tuesday 15 December 2015, from 10am to 5.30pm.
All welcome
Free of charge
For any question or query, please, contact the organizer, Giacomo Comiati G.Comiati@Warwick.ac.uk
Event sponsored by:
- Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori (Galileian School of Higher Education)
- Associazione Alumni della Scuola Galileiana (Galileian Alumni Association)
- University of Warwick
- Warwick Centre for the Study of the Renaissance
- Institute of Advanced Study at the University of Warwick