Archive STVDIO papers from 2021-22
Autumn 2021, Term 1
12 October 2021 (Week 2) Dr. Eugenio Refini (New York), Virtual book launch: The Vernacular Aristotle: Translation as Reception in Medieval and Renaissance Italy. Respondent: Prof. David Lines. A joint event with Italian Studies.
Thursday 4 November 2021: Dr. Natalya Din-Kariuki (Warwick) '"More particularly described, then it hath been ever done before in our English tongue": travel, rhetoric, and geographical description in Coryats Crudities (1611)'. NB: Please note that this event will take place on a Thursday, still at 5pm; to attend, please register by Wednesday afternoon, 24 hours in advance, as above.
23 November 2021 (Week 8) Prof. Maggie Kilgour (McGill), 'On First Looking into Milton's Shakespeare'
7 December 2021 (Week 10) Dr. Alexandre Vanautgaerden (Warwick), 'Rhetoric and Typography: Portrait of Erasmus as a Paper Oracle'
Spring 2022, Term 2
11 January 2022 (Week 1) Prof. Paul Gwynne (The American University of Rome), 'Towards a Baroque Latinity: Lorenzo Gambara's Caprarola (1581)'
8 February 2022 (Week 5) Dr. Claudia Daniotti (Warwick), 'Vengeful Queens and Other Unconventional Women from the Past: The Reception of Ancient Heroines in Renaissance Italy'
1 March 2022 (Week 8) Prof. Sarah Knight (Leicester), 'Student Baroque' Unfortunately this event has had to be cancelled, but will be rearranged for Term 3.
Summer 2022, Term 3
3 May 2022 (Week 2) Dr. Jonathan Bradbury (Exeter), 'The Ethics of Women's Bathing in Seventeenth-Century Madrid'
10 May 2022 (Week 3) Prof. Sarah Knight (Leicester), 'Student Baroque'
24 May 2022 (Week 5) Dr. Michael Bycroft (Warwick), 'Gem Classification from Antiquity to the Renaissance'
8 June 2022 (Wednesday of Week 7) Prof. John Tresch (Warburg Institute), 'Hermetic Instruments and the Depiction of Early Modern Nature'. A joint event with the EMECC. NB: this event will take place on a Wednesday, at 2.30-4pm. Please note that it will take place in person, and not online, in FAB2.31.