Postgraduate funding: PhD
The Centre is accepting expressions of interest from students wishing to pursue a postgraduate course in Renaissance Studies at Warwick (form top left). Students are able to explore various avenues for funding, depending on the course they are choosing and other criteria. Applicants are encouraged to investigate the opportunities below, check the deadlines carefully, and communicate their intentions early with the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr Rich Rabone ( so that the strongest possible funding proposal may be prepared. Co-tutelle is also possible as the Centre has strong links with multiple European institutions.
1. Chancellor's International Scholarships (CIS)
These are Warwick's own scheme for funding PhD research and are open to International students only. For 2024/25 entry there will be up to 42 Chancellor's International Scholarships available to be awarded to the most outstanding international and EU PhD applicants. Applicants may be from any discipline at Warwick. Preliminary applications for the internal competition of the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance are due as soon as possible with a hard deadline of 18th November 2024. Course Application Deadline 9 December 2024 (GMT); scholarship application deadline 12 December 2024(GMT); supporting document deadline 7 January 2025 (GMT). Full details including eligibility criteria for 2025 entry are here .
2. AHRC Midlands4Cities funding for UK/EU students
The AHRC-funded Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M4C) brings together eight leading universities across the Midlands to support the professional and personal development of the next generation of arts and humanities doctoral researchers. M4C is a collaboration between the University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, University of Warwick, Coventry University, University of Leicester, De Montfort University, Nottingham Trent University and The University of Nottingham. Your completed application and references must be received by 13th January 2025 (noon UK time). To find out more about writing a PhD project proposal and the M4C application process, please sign up to attend the Application Writing Workshop on 9th Nov-Warwick & Coventry- Online Workshop- 10am-1pm

The University is delighted to announce the China Scholarships Council (CSC) / University of Warwick Scholarships. For entry in Autumn 2025, there will be up to 30 scholarships available to students who meet the CSC criteria applying to any PhD discipline. Eligibility: PhD applicants and first year PhD students who meet the CSC critieria. Value: The University will cover the full payment of overseas tuition fees for the duration of the CSC funding period and a stipend enhancement; China Scholarships Council will provide a maintenance stipend and return international airfare between the UK and China for successful applicants. Warwick course application deadline - 13 January 2025 (23:59 GMT); Warwick scholarship application deadline - 16 January 2025 (23:59 GMT); Warwick unconditional offer deadline - 1 February 2025(23:59 GMT). Full details here
Preliminary steps for applying to either scheme (CIS, M4C or CSC):
Students interested in applying for a doctoral programme in our Centre are encouraged to identify potential supervisors and contact them as soon as possible in order to discuss their research proposal. Further information about the Department’s research staff can be found here. (Please note, you should search for 'academic staff' only, by using the 'filter by role' tick box option on the left of the People page.) FindaPhD has some excellent advice about how to write the research proposalLink opens in a new window.
For enquiries / expressions of interest in our PhD, please complete this form as soon as possible, attaching your research proposal (max 2 sides of A4), CV and transcripts. There are several parts to the application process, which can take quite some time and also requires action on the part of administrative and academic staff, so you should submit your formal application (if encouraged to do so) well in advance of the closing date.