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Careers for History of Art Students

You may already know the career you want after studying art history, or you may be considering your options. We have plenty of advice to help you take the next step.

What can I do with a degree in art history? | Your skills | Jobs related to your degree | Further study options

What can I do with a degree in art history?

Any career that requires a Humanities degree, and many that do not, will be open to you. Our graduates have gone on to succeed in an amazing range of professions. 

A degree in art history is vital for many key jobs in museums, galleries, auction houses and fine art publishing houses. It also equips you with skills, knowledge and perspectives that can be used in many jobs outside the art world, because you have the added skills of visual literacy. 

In an increasingly visual world, an art history degree makes you stand out because of how you understand and interpret images.

There is more advice about the options open to you in the job sectors section of the Student Opportunity: Careers website.

Your skills as a History of Art graduate 

As well as gaining an in-depth knowledge of the discipline, studying the history of art leads to an impressive range of transferable skills. These include: 

  • Advanced visual skills 
  • Advanced communication skills (written and oral) 
  • Independent research skills 
  • Refined powers of analysis 
  • Strongly developed logical thought processes 

You will also learn to: 

  • Interpret, assess and evaluate sources 
  • Lead and participate in discussions 
  • Deliver persuasive and professional presentations 
  • Work independently and to deadlines 
  • By studying the art and societies of different time periods, you will have developed the ability to enter the thoughts and worlds of others, which is a very useful skill in the workplace. 

During your time at Warwick, you will also have gained skills through work experience as well as activities with clubs, societies and volunteering. This is a good starting point from which to think about the kind of career you are most likely to enjoy.

Find out more about developing your skills via the Student Opportunity: Careers website. 

What jobs are available?

There are many roles that relate directly to an art history degree, which make up a variety of fields, such as: 

  • Curation of exhibitions in galleries and museums
  • Conservation and heritage
  • Journalism, marketing and PR 
  • Research and further study 
  • Education and teaching 

The transferable skills you learn from studying art history are also extremely useful in a wide range of sectors and organisations. These may include: 

  • Public sector or local authorities 
  • Media and communication 
  • Graphic design 
  • Higher education 

For real-life examples of careers that followed a Warwick History of Art degree, visit our Careers in Focus: The Insider's View to learn about our alumni.

If you're interested in curation, these Warwick graduates share their Careers in Focus: Curating stories.

What about further study options?

Postgraduate study can be a way of studying art history to new depths or gaining a vocational qualification to enter your chosen career area.  

For more information about the postgraduate courses run by the History of Art department, visit the Postgraduate study page.

Careers in Focus

Warwick graduates talk about their career journeys and how they got started.

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Browse these useful links for internship opportunities.

Useful links for jobs

Suggested websites to explore for job vacancies and opportunities.

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