Internship Opportunities and Work Experience
Work experience inside the art world
Gaining relevant work experience during the vacations is highly recommended.
The History of Art department is developing links with a number of institutions which may be able to provide work experience opportunities during vacations. You might like to consider:
If you would be interested in getting a placement with one of these institutions, contact Jenny Alexander by emailing jenny dot s dot alexander at warwick dot ac dot uk.
The Mead Gallery here at Warwick sometimes employs students during term time. Contact Mead Gallery staff for details.
You can also make speculative applications to organisation of your choice. The Student Opportunity: Careers team provides advice on finding work experience, making bursary applications, setting objectives for placements and reflecting on the learning and skills gained during work-related experiences.
Work experience outside the art world
The type of opportunities available to you may include:
Voluntary and charity
Human resources
PR, media and advertising
Health and social work
Sales and marketing
Arts and cultural
Leisure and tourism
IT and technical
Banking and finance
Science and engineering
What you can do with art history
Discover a world of career possibilities open to you with your art history degree.
Careers in Focus
Warwick graduates talk about their career journeys and how they got started.
Useful links for jobs
Suggested websites to explore for job vacancies and opportunities.
Careers homepage
Go back to the History of Art department's Careers homepage.