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Victorian Culture Inter-Disciplinary Reading Group


Welcome to the web pages for the Victorian Culture Interdisciplinary Reading Group.Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose by John Singer Sargent

The group was founded in 2011 for postgraduates and staff across all disciplines who share an interest in the culture of nineteenth-century Britain. We meet every six weeks or so for a themed discussion around two or three short extracts. Our readings cover architecture, political theory, art history, poetry, music, and everything in between. The broad range of texts that we study fosters innovative, interdisciplinary thinking, and the group is a great, informal forum for us all to learn about familiar themes from different perspectives. We welcome new members throughout the year.

On these web pages you can find more information about the group, including this year's schedule of meetings, links to the reading for the next session, and information about topics we have previously discussed.

Alternatively, you can contact any of the organisers via email;

Alice Eden,
Claire FitzGerald,
Mary Addyman,

Image; 'Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose' by John Singer Sargent (1885-6)