About Us
Movie: A Journal of Film Criticism is a refereed open access publication whose aim is to create a forum for the range of analysis, debate and discussion that only a journal devoted to a detailed film criticism can adequately provide. We are committed to publishing rigorous but accessible critical writing, at a variety of lengths, that is responsive to the detailed texture and artistry of film and television, old and new. We also welcome articles that illuminate concepts, analytical methods and questions in film aesthetics that are of significance to film criticism. The journal is published on a rolling basis.
Movie: A Journal of Film Criticism is a joint venture between the Universities of Warwick, Reading, and Oxford.
The editors wish to acknowledge the assistance of the Warwick IT Services Department, and the grants from the University of Warwick's Humanities Research Centre and Department of Film and Television Studies, which have enabled the development of this journal.
Contact the editors at movie.journal@gmail.com.
ISSN 2047-1661
Open Access Statement
Movie: A Journal of Film Criticism is committed to open access for academic work. All of our articles are free to access immediately from the date of publication. We do not charge our authors any fees for publication or processing, nor do we charge readers to download articles. Movie: A Journal of Film Criticism is free to all at any time and in perpetuity. Our authors retain copyright over the work they publish in our journal, without restrictions.