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Processing the Pandemic III: Hope —Interdisciplinary Approaches to Emotions in the Wake of COVID19

April 13-14, 2023 - University of Warwick and Online

Both days of the event will be fully hybrid, simultaneously taking place in person and online.

 Symbolic Petition of the Cippewa Chiefs, c. 1849 (Newberry Ayer folio E77 .S41) Symbolic Petition of the Cippewa Chiefs, c. 1849 (Newberry Library, Ayer folio E77 .S41)


This event is the final phase of Processing the Pandemic: a multi-year series of seminars and symposia that explore how the experiences of the past may guide society’s emotional and social responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. The series asks how we—as an open community of scholars, teachers, archivists, social workers, and practitioners—might learn from these experiences and from each other in transformative, inspiring, transdisciplinary ways. How can such dialogues reframe existing discussions around the history of emotions, our responses to trauma, and how we navigate from loss to hope? Moreover, how can the study of peoples’ responses to traumatic events in the past and present help guide our own experience of the pandemic and its unfolding future?

Following our first in-person symposium on Loss at the Newberry Library in April 2022, and a series of virtual seminars—1: Lord Have Mercy - Popular Print and Communal Loss (Sperry & Totaro); 2: Mexican Futures in a Post-Pandemic World (Hughes); 3:Scholarship as Hope (Otaño Gracia and Hernandez)—we are now concluding our discussions around the theme of Hope as we attempt to trace new pathways to answer the question of how communities in both the past and present move from Loss to Hope, navigating the complex constellations of emotions that result from such crises.

The series is co-organised by Bryan Brazeau (Liberal Arts, Warwick), Christopher Fletcher (Center for Renaissance Studies, Newberry), and Rose Miron (Director of the D'Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies, Newberry). This event is made possible due to generous support from the School for Cross-Faculty Studies, The Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, and The Humanities Research Centre at Warwick, along with support from the Center for Renaissance Studies and the D'Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies at the Newberry Library (Chicago, USA).

The full programme is available below. If you would like to register, please fill in the form. Room details and online links will be sent to you several days before the programme begins.


Click here to see bios for all conference participants.


Thursday, 13th April, 2023 - RAMPHAL 0.12

12:15-12:30 p.m. Welcoming Remarks
  • Bryan Brazeau (The University of Warwick, UK)
  • Christopher Fletcher (The Newberry Library, USA)
  • Rose Miron (The Newberry Library, USA)
  • David Lines (The University of Warwick, UK)
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Keynote Lecture I: “Pandemics and Apocalypse in World Literature”
  • William Franke (Vanderbilt, USA)

1:45-3:30 p.m. — Pedagogies of Hope
  • “The Future is Green: Processing Hard Emotions to find Hope”
    • Bruno Grazioli (Dickinson College, Italy)
  • “Remembering Covid in Teams? Troubling care and affective unravelling”
    • Cathy Wade and Lisa Metherell (Birmingham City University, UK)
  • “Resilient Stillness – a Performative-Based Workshop”
    • Brittney S. Harris (Old Dominion, USA)

4-5 p.m. — Looking Back / Looking Forwards
  • Roundtable Reflection with Participants from Previous Events and Workshops in the Series
    • Dolores Bigfoot (University of Oklahoma, USA)
    • Angelica Duran (Purdue, USA)
    • Tara Bynum (U. of Iowa, USA)
    • Jennifer Scheper Hughes (University of California, Riverside, USA)
    • Cathy Caruth (Cornell University, USA)

5:30 p.m. — Reception sponsored by
Warwick Centre for the Study of the Renaissance


Friday, 14th April, 2023 - RADCLIFFE SPACE 12

From Trauma to Hope in Past and Present

9:30–11:00 a.m. — Roundtable I: Legacies of Trauma, Legacies of Hope
  • “Making Sense of Traumatic Times: Resiliency, Reason, and Hope in Women’s Trans -Historical Writings”
    • Joanne Wright (University of New Brunswick, Canada)

  • “On the Road to Bliss: The Triumph of Hope in Prints and Moral Philosophy as a Cure for Religious Conflicts in the Borderlands of the Hapsburg Empire (1526-1662)”
    • Maria Vittoria Spissu (University of Bologna, Italy / The Newberry Library, Chicago)

  • “Crusading Ghosts and Ambiguous Hopes in Times of Trauma”
    • Thomas Herron (East Carolina University, USA)
    • Anne-Hélène Miller (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA)

11:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m. — Creative Workshop
  • “All Shall Be Well: Finding Modern and Medieval Hope Inside a Pandemic Bubble”
    • Kathy Greenholdt (Songwriter, Chicago, USA)

New Pathways for Hope: Indigenous and Postcolonial Subjectivities

1:30-2:30 p.m. —
Keynote Lecture II: “Hope Through the Lens of Indigenous Futurity"
  • Blaire Morseau (University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA)

2:30–3:45 p.m. —
Roundtable II: Native American and Indigenous Experiences:
Past, Present, and Future

  • Moderator:

    • Rose Miron (D’Arcy McNickle Centre for Native American and Indigenous Studies, Newberry Library, USA)
  • Discussants:
    • Alexandra Lamiña (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
    • Alyssa Mt. Pleasant (After the Whirlwind (ATW) Research and Consulting, USA)
    • Alika Bourgette (University of Washington, USA)

4-5 p.m. — Keynote Lecture III: "Hope Against Hope"
  • Jesse McCarthy (Harvard University, USA)

5:00 – 5:30 p.m. Conclusions and closing remarks


  • Please fill in the form below to register for the event. If you would like to attend the event online (on Microsoft Teams), once you have registered for the event we will send you the link to join the event.
  • If you have any difficulties registering, please email to register for this event.

This form is closed and is no longer accepting any submissions. Thank you for your time.

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