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Book launch: Ambivalent Humanitarianism and Migration Control

LAWN is pleased to celebrate a new book by member Dr. Erika Herrera Rosales (Sociology)! Ambivalent Humanitarianism and Migration Control: Colonial Legacies and the Experiences of Migrants in Mexico is being published by Routledge in February 2025. It explores the complex relationship between migrants and local aid organisations. These organisations have become indisputably relevant and highly regarded as allies to Northern Central American migrants trying to reach the United States. Thus, this book examines the implications of humanitarian actors in migration governance and bordering practices, which have serious and long-lasting effects on the lives of migrants.

For more information or to order the book, visit RoutledgeLink opens in a new window.

LAWN is also cosponsoring a book launch, held online:
Date: February 26th, 2025 - 16:00 -17:00 UK
To attend register here:

Book launch details

Recent activities

LAWN-EASG talk: Strategies towards a great power: government Alingment with china's core Interests

A talk by Diego Telias (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

26 November 2019

Interviewing local NGOs and migrants: collecting data in the context of Central American migration in Mexico

Forming part of the Comparative American Studies seminar series, co-organised by the Warwick Oral History Network, this seminar will be a discussion of the research of LAWN member Erika Herrera Rosales of the Sociology Department.

13.00-14.00, in R1.04.