Eva Rosa Ferrand-Verdejo
eva-rosa dot ferrand-verdejo at warwick dot ac dot uk
Eva-Rosa Ferrand Verdejo is a 3rd year PhD student in Film and TV Studies (University of Warwick) and in Hispanic Studies (CY Cergy Paris Université). Her work is supervised by Dr Michele Aaron (Warwick) and Professor Julie Amiot (CY Cergy Paris). Her current research focuses on the generation of Chilean filmmakers born during the dictatorship (1973-1989) and who have started to produce in democracy. More specifically, she is interested in the way their films, but also the issues of production, distribution, and reception they might encounter in Chile, are a reflection of a profound collective trauma that has still not been resolved. At the moment, her corpus only focuses on fiction films who, directly or indirectly, address the issue of the traumatic past of the country.
Recent publications: El Botón de Nácar, Neuilly, éditions Atlande, 2020 (with Magali Kabous, Ignacio Del Valle Dávila and Patricio Guzmán:)
Keywords: Film, History, Trauma, Memory, Chile