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Colombian National Archives - Warwick Library

Our thanks to LAWN member Rebecca Earle for sharing the excellent news that an important collection of archival material from the Colombian National Archives has been made available to scholars at Warwick. Holdings from the Archivo Restrepo, which include a great deal of colonial and 19th-century material from both Colombia and elsewhere are stored in the microfilm area on Floor 2 extension. They are classed as numbered microfiche and are numbered ‘Microfiche 514, 1-153’. Each cabinet in the microfilms area has a number and this title is held in cabinet 38, shelves 6-9.

Latin America - Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick

The archives at the Modern Records Centre include a large amount of material relating to Latin America, particularly with regard to human rights, trade union and labour movements, and international trade. At LAWN's request, Liz Wood at the MRC kindly put together a country-by-country guide, which can be found by following the link below:

The MRC online catalogue can be used to search for individuals and specific subjects: