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Reflection Space

Reflect on teaching with the Learning Design Consultancy Unit

Spend a little time thinking about your current approaches. Use student feedback effectively. Consider what you want to achieve and if your current approach is working well. What might you focus on changing? What might you add or take away? What could be simplified? Small or big changes?


Available now

10 conditions to wellbeing (from the WIHEA Wellbeing Pedagogies Library, scroll towards the bottom of the page).

Neurodiversity and the Student Experience (WIHEA learning circle, scroll down the page for a list of resources on this topic).

7 principles of assessment design (Academic Development Centre).

Learning objective and assessment design tool (using Miro).

Warwick's Academic Integrity Framework includes advice on learning design and teaching techniques that promote academic intregrity.

Coming soon

Learning design virtues and goals - articles on decolonizing our curriculum and methods; accessibility; widening participation; education for sustainable development; responsive teaching; co-creation and participatory design.

What's your pedagogic styles? - there are disctinctive different approaches to organising learning, interacting with students, expectations, assessment etc. Being clear about your style is the starting point for identifying challenges and ambitions to address. This is especially important when transitioning to online learning, which is rarely a straighforward translation. Use this resource to reflect on different styles, their uses, issues and challenges.

Documenting current or planned learning designs - create clear visual representations to easily communicate with others (including students), and facilitate redesigning. Sometimes this helps us to see our teaching from a fresh perspective.

Interpreting student feedback - what does it mean? are there common issues? how can we turn it into clear goals?

How to run a feedback and co-design session with students.

What are the current common issues and ambitions people are working on?


Available now

There are no stupid questions - ask the Arts faculty community for advice (Teams channel).

Coming soon

Get help with documenting your learning design.

Book a peer observation with a digital pedagogy expert.

Request a design review of your online presence (Teams, Moodle, Sitebuilder etc.).

Join the pedagogic styles learning circle.