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Inspiring, supporting and enhancing individual and collaborative academic practices.

Cultivate is the ADC's open access series of events and resources to support learning, teaching and assessment. It caters to all experience levels, ranging from early career academics to those leading modules and programmes. Cultivate supports individual professional development and offers collaborative enhancement opportunities to address Faculty and Department needs.


Our exciting Cultivate programme offers a range of open access and Warwick-based workshops, seminars and events.

  • The 2024/25 programme of events will be available shortly.
  • Cultivate's open access sessions are open to colleagues across the HE sector to support connections to and engagement with diverse communities. View the recordings from our 2023/24 programme.


Accessible and practical resources that support asynchronous engagement with our workshop topics. Resource collations include:

  • Writing effective learning outcomes.
  • Assessment design and strategy.
  • Values-based education.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of pedagogical approaches.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Support for investigating and learning about your teaching in a scholarly and research-oriented way.

**Don't miss out on engaging with our sector-wide Evaluating Teaching and Learning in HE forum - find out more.**

Funding to attend a teaching and learning event

The next funding call will be announced shortly.

**Join the Cultivate Teams space to be the first to hear announcements about this funding scheme.**

Supporting Department and Faculty needs

Cultivate is here to support Departments' and Faculties' enhancement activities and needs. This may include running or supporting bespoke workshops or events that address your priorities. Get in touch to discuss how we may support you through Department and Faculty-based activities.

Share your work through Cultivate

Have you been doing something interesting in your teaching? Have you got research or evaluation findings that you’d like to share?  We’d love to hear from you and provide a supportive opportunity for you to share your work with the wider Warwick community.

Cultivate on Teams:

Follow this link to join the Cultivate community on Teams.

Get in touch

Contact Kerry Dobbins anytime to discuss how Cultivate may support you and your department's needs:

(You can find out more about Kerry on this webpage.)

Cultivate newsletters:

Education-related resources, materials and events direct to your inbox:

Dec 2022 (theme: focusing on assessment)

Nov 2022 (theme: all things teaching, learning and assessment)

Oct 2022 (theme: engaging in pedagogic scholarship)

You can access all previous issues in the newsletter archive.