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The CAPITAL Centre

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Overview of CAPITAL
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Preview image for student experience video
Student Experience
Preview image for Open-space Learning video
Open-space Learning

The CAPITAL Centre
was a partnership between the University of Warwick and the Royal Shakespeare Company established to use theatre performance skills and experience to enhance student learning and to draw on University research and resources to shape the development of the RSC acting companies. CAPITAL was a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning supported by the Higher Education Funding Council England. CAPITAL's HEFCE funding ceased on 31 July 2010 but its work continues. On 1 August 2010 Warwick's two CETLs, the CAPITAL Centre and the Reinvention Centre, merged to form the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning. The IATL supports the University's commitment to teaching and the development of innovative programmes and modes of delivery which have a real impact on student experience. Taking forward the CETLs' achievements it funds academic fellowships, pedagogic interventions, strategic projects, curriculum-based performance projects, undergraduate research, and provides leadership in teaching and learning across the disciplines.