The Apprentice for Artists
The Apprentice for Artists, in association with the Warwick Writing Programme, was "a recreational experiment in rough and ready creativity" run by RSC/CAPITAL International Playwright-in-Residence Adriano Shaplin and Warwick Writing Programme tutor Peter Blegvad.
A series of competitive workshops in: Playwriting, Radio, Poetry Slam, Stand-up comedy, Songwriting, Lecture/Demonstration, Video-blogging/Viral Media, 'Pataphysics.
"Each week will be a crash-course in a different medium with an introduction to the rules and how to break them. Together we will dissect and reinvent these forms and create new work on the spot. Prizes and penalties will be awarded as students gradually narrow their focus to develop individual projects."
This course was not for credit, and open to anyone. It required "robust" participation. Sessions took place throughout the 07-08 academic year.