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Shintaro Miyazaki

Shintaro Miyazaki - Out of the Given: Aesthetics and Operativity of Data-Worlds

University of Warwick - Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies Out of Data - Speaker Series

Wednesday 8th March

5.00pm - 7.00pm

Room: OC1.05

All are welcome and places are on a first come first seated basis

Prompted by the question, what comes out of data?, Shintaro Miyazaki will address relations between data production, algorithmic analysis and the concept of rhythm by creating links to historical and media archaeological contexts of data processing and its audiovisual aesthetics focusing on the period between 1950 and 1990. If new knowledge is desired from data, a critical inquiry always needs to include aspects of design and (media) aesthetics. Aspects which are tightly coupled with the socio-political conditions under which the production and post-processing of data is or has been realised. Some historical fields from early data analysis and signal processing, in this respect, will be discussed. After a short input session, we then will get some hints of how one might go one step further from analysis to synthesis. Workshop-like discussions will follow, in which we will explore creative, playful and speculative approaches to working with data, but still maintaining an approach of critical data-post-processing, which is rooted in practices from art and design and go beyond or below data-based visualization or modelling.


Shintaro Miyazaki is a media and design scholar and experimental media designer. He has been a Senior Researcher at the Critical Media Lab of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland in Basel since 2014. He obtained a PhD in media theory at Humboldt-Universität in Berlin (2012). His current interests include cybernetics, design theory and research, complexity and scientific models (circuitry and simulations). He is principal investigator of “The Sensorium of Animals. Electroreception in Experimental and Historical Media and Design Research”, a 3-year research project and the project manager of “Experimental Data Aesthetics. Multi-sensory Exploration of High-dimensional Data Sets as an Issue of Design Research” both funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).