Upcoming talk - Dieter, "Recounting Media Art and Net Criticism Mailinglists (1995-2019)" (DSI Lancaster)
Upcoming talk - Dieter, "Recounting Media Art and Net Criticism Mailinglists (1995-2019)" (DSI Lancaster)
CIM researcher Michael Dieter will co-present a keynote with David Gauthier titled 'Recounting Media Art and Net Criticism Mailinglists (1995-2019)' at the Data Science Institute, Lancaster University on 19th March as part of the Data Visualisation Workshop for Critical Computational Discourse. The presentation will draw primarily from material on computational methods and media art mailinglists recently published in the journal Internet Histories - https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/24701475.2019.1674580.
For more information and to register, see: https://portal.lancaster.ac.uk/intranet/news/article/data-visualisation-workshop-for-critical-computational-discourse-19th-march