CIM News
PhD Student Yulu Pi Awarded Alan Turing Institute Program Enrichment Community Award
PhD student Yulu Pi at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies has been named one of the awardees of the highly competitive Alan Turing Institute’s Program Enrichment Community Award.
4-year Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Human-Centred AI for Disease Modelling and Policy
CIM is looking to recruit a 4-year full-time Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Human-Centred AI for Disease Modelling and Policy within our Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded HAT MEPP project.
The post is within an exciting new collaborative project that aims to perform research that informs strategic decision-making around plans for the elimination of sleeping sickness (human African trypanosomiasis, HAT). The research will both be at the forefront of cutting-edge technological development and will also deliver real-world impact with its emphasis to better facilitate and broaden the use of statistical models through the use of AI and interaction. The post holder will play a crucial role in designing and developing AI-assisted, interactive and visual decision support tools that will enable key stakeholders from the national disease control programmes to make better and long-lasting use of the disease models developed by the group. Details of the project can be found here.
The deadline for this application is 24 September 2024 and further details of the post and application are here:
Please get in touch with Cagatay Turkay at for questions.
CIM's new project on Human-centred AI for Disease Modelling and Policy
CIM is pleased to announce a new project on Human-centred AI for Disease Modelling and Policy funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project aims to perform research that informs strategic decision-making around plans for the elimination of Gambiense human African trypanosomiasis (gHAT, African sleeping sickness). The project is conducted by a large consortium under the HAT MEPP initiative led by researchers at the Zeeman Institute at Warwick.
The project currently provides decision support to national programmes in Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea and Uganda regarding intervention strategies and cost effectiveness, taking into account resource constraints. In this third phase of the initiative, our plan is to extend the support to a range of new geographies.
Further details of the project can be found on this page:
DIVERSE-CDT -- CIM's new Centre for Doctoral Training in Diversity in Data Visualization funded by EPSRC
CIM is thrilled to announce our upcoming Centre for Doctoral Training in Diversity in Data Visualization (DIVERSE-CDT) with colleagues from City, University of London. The CDT will be recruiting over 60 PhDs starting October 2025.
New paper by Cámara-Menoyo: "Digital tools for knowledge exchange and sustainable public food procurement in community kindergartens: A case study in Słupsk, Poland"
A new paper from CIM member Carlos Cámara-Menoyo along with Joanna Suchomska, Wojciech Goszczyński, Pia Laborgne, Andrea Pierce, Michał Wróblewski, João Porto de Albuquerque and Simon Jirka has just been published in Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. The paper expands on the work made at Creating Interfaces project and complements the previous paper published in Environmental Science and Policy by focussing on the lessons learnt on food procurement through the implementation of an Urban Living Lab methodology.
This article presents a case study on the experimental co-creation process of a digital platform supporting Sustainable Public Food Procurement (SPFP) in public kindergartens in a medium-sized city in Poland. The organisation of SPFP requires a dedicated technological infrastructure to ensure the information flow among food producers, kindergarten employees, children and parents. To this end, a digital platform was designed to enable contact, assessment of food quality and food procurement environmental impact, and the communication of needs and problems among all the actors involved in the food procurement system for kindergartens. The article also discusses the results of the field research and the method of Urban Living Labs, highlighting the key challenges faced by those seeking to combine knowledge about food and the natural environment with public food procurement. The principal difficulties include the availability, accessibility and possible application of data on the environmental costs of food production, the individualisation of needs and motivations related to public catering in educational facilities, and the specific nature of the public sector responsible for public food procurement.
Shaping AI project publishes new research in Big Data and Society
This article demonstrates AI is unlike other controversial technologies. It presents a super-controversy, which links technicalities with structural problems in society.
Job opening: Teaching Fellow for Big Data and Digital Futures
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies seeks to appoint a one-year full-time Teaching Fellow to ideally start by September 2024.
Candidates will possess experience in teaching in Higher Education and have backgrounds in either a) data science, contemporary artificial intelligence (AI), computational social science, and/or cloud computing/big data; or b) social studies of data science, AI and/or cloud computing/big data; or ideally c) a combination of technical and critical skills in the above topics, appropriate for research-led teaching. You should have completed a PhD in a field related to the above, or have your viva scheduled.