Orsolya Vasarhelyi (Research Fellow)
Orsolya Vasarhelyi (Research Fellow)
Orsolya Vásárhelyi is a computational social scientist and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Warwick, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methods. She is working with Prof. David Stark on project that aimed to understand the impact of human-machine interactions on online collaborations. She holds a Ph.D. in Network Science from the Department of Network and Data Science at the Central European University. Her graduate research focused on how network and data science can lead to a better understanding of unconscious gender bias in technical fields. She is an ambassador of the Women in Data Science Conference at Stanford University and alumna of the Data Science for Social Good Fellowship, and the LINK Lab at Northwestern Univeristy.
Select Publications
Natera Orozco, L. G., et al. "Quantifying life quality as walkability on urban networks: The case of Budapest." Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII. Springer, Cham, Switzerland (2020): 905-918.
Vedres, Balazs, and Orsolya Vasarhelyi. "Gendered behavior as a disadvantage in open source software development." EPJ Data Science 8.1 (2019): 25.
Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies
University of Warwick
Email: Orsolya dot Vasarhelyi at warwick dot ac dot uk
Twitter: @Orsi_Vasarhelyi
Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/