Complexity News
Warwick Centre for Complexity Science NewsletterEvents 2016-17
Complexity PhD student Nicolai Peremezhney wins £5000 research award at First Interdisciplinary Collaborative Sandpit Workshop
The First Interdisciplinary Collaborative Sandpit Workshop took place on December 11 and 12 of 2012. In the workshop a group of academics and researchers (mostly final year PhDs) from different departments and disciplines worked together on the Three Chosen Topics:
Cyber crime prevention and biometrics based surveillance for global security
Information Networks and Society
Sustainable Development: Technological, Economic, Human
By the end of the workshop five ideas for interdisciplinary research were put forward (from five groups that developed them during the two days). Brief proposals were written. It was important to satisfy the requirements of EPSRC, the funding body, for innovative interdisciplinary research. Help with that was at hand. £5000 of funding for each of the three most successful ideas was provisionally allocated by the end of the workshop and confirmed on the 15th January 2013.