Marina Diakonova
My background is in physics, and theoretical physics, from Imperial College. After the masters I travelled, and worked for PwC.
During the Complexity MSc I did two mini-projects, with Mauro Mobilia (on stochastic evolutionary game theory) and Colm Connaughton (2D turbulent systems). My PhD is with Robin Ball and Robert MacKay on measures of emergent behaviour. Our first paper is here.
Some GUIs for Andrei Toom's PCAs and related models can be found here.
D2.14 Mathematics Institute (Zeeman Building)
m dot diakonova @ warwick dot ac dot uk
phone: (02761) 50863
A few random snapshots from a live webcam facing the Solovki fortress. Located on a tiny island in the White Sea, it was Russia's northernmost fortification, and monastery. Until the Soviet times, that is, when it was promptly turned into a Gulag.