Introduction to Computing
- Codeblocks can be found here (download the version with MinGW).
- Create a CSC account here (Select the Mathmatics Dept under Research Group).
- Summary of how to use the CSC machines
- PuTTY:
- FileZilla:
- Laptop Setup Note are here.
Lecture Notes:
- 1. Data Analysis in MATLAB
- Slides:
- MATLAB Files: For Loops, Linear System Solver, Plot Rainfall, Plot Rainfall (Shorter), Rainfall Data, Calculate PI (MC), Calculate Pi (Leibniz), Lorenz Eqn (Euler)
- Slides:
- 2. Control Structures & I/O in C
- Slides: Slides
- C Files: File Input/Output Example, Guessing Game
- 3. Array, Files & Random Numbers in C
- Slides: Slides
- C files: Incomplete Rule 30, MATLAB file to plot Rule 30
- 4. Functions & Structures in C Slides:
- Slides: Slides
- MATLAB Files: PlotStandardMap.m, PlotJuliaSet.m, Standard Map, Julia Map
- 5. Linux & High Performance Computing
- Slides: Slides
- Scripts: plotAverageDLA.m
- C files: DLA Code (ZIP), DLA Code using Arguments (ZIP)
- PBS Files: Example PBS Script, PBS Script for DLA