Knotted Twisted Rings
Trefoil Generator C++ Code to generate a (double) Trefoil knot
Lammps Input Gen C++ Code to generate Initial_input
Initial_input LAMMPS initial Input for a (pathcy) knotted polymer ring
Phase1 LAMMPS script to start a twisted knotted Ring using Initial_input
Run LAMMPS script to run the twisted knotted Ring
Initial Configuration (Snapshot)
Equilibrated Configuration (Snapshot)
Name | Description | Last Updated |
knotgenerator.c | 10/02/13 | |
lammps_input_knots_closed_pathcy.c | 10/02/13 | |
topoii_ph1.lam | 10/02/13 | |
topoii_run.lam | 10/02/13 | |
trefoil_lammps_patchy.out | 10/02/13 | |
trefoil.patchy.f.eps | 10/02/13 | |
trefoil.patchy.f.jpg | 10/02/13 | |
trefoil.patchy.o.eps | 10/02/13 | |
trefoil.patchy.o.jpg | 10/02/13 |