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Our People


Professor Jackie Hodgson

Professor of Law

Jackie is Professor of Law. She established the Criminal Justice Centre and the cross-faculty Centre for Operational Police Research, which she co-directs.

Jackie has researched and written in the area of European & comparative criminal justice. She has conducted large scale qualitative empirical studies in Britain and France, as well multi-jurisdiction comparative studies in Europe, feeding directly into EU legislative reforms around procedural safeguards for both adult and child suspects. She has also worked on the investigation and prosecution of crime in France, the provision of effective defence rights, miscarriages of justice and terrorism investigations. She is currently researching how working through arts and culture can be a more effective way to understand the experiences of young people and policing; and the treatment of female detainees in police custody.

She has contributed to UK policy reform through her research for the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice, her evidence to Select Committees and to the Scottish Criminal Justice review carried out by Lord Carloway. At the EU level she has contributed to legislative reform through Brussels Policy Briefings, and as an expert for EU impact assessments on Directives for the legal aid, pre-trial detention, presumption of innocence, and the impact of Brexit on police co-operation. She has been commissioned as an expert witness in the Special Immigration Appeals Commission, as well as European Arrest Warrant cases and Scottish and Canadian extradition cases.

Professor Kimberley Wade

Professor of Psychology


Kimberley is a Professor in Psychology. She is the Executive Director of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC), and an Associate Editor at the journal Legal & Criminological Psychology. From 2014-2018, Kim served as the Deputy Director of COPR. She now serves as a Co-Director alongside Jackie Hodgson.

Kim is a cognitive psychologist. Her main area of expertise is human memory. She is particularly interested in autobiographical and episodic memory distortions, and the application of memory research to legal contexts. For instance, her research has focused on topics such as eyewitness testimony, interviewing witnesses, digital and fabricated evidence, constructing and administering lineups, and interrogations and confessions.
