Single Authored Books
- (2016) Death and Security: Memory and Mortality at the Bombsite (Manchester University Press). Reviewed in Critical Studies on Security; response to reviewer comments available here.
- (2013) Politics of Violence: Militancy, International Politics, Killing in the Name (Abingdon: Routledge). Shortlisted for 2014 Susan Strange Book Prize, reviewed in Critical Studies on Terrorism journal here. The Ted talk I gave on this project can be viewed here.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
(2024) 'Multi Agency Counter-Terrorism in Britain and Norway: Intelligence Agencies and the Distribution of Welfare', Security Dialogue, 55(4), 2024, pp.386-403
- (2024) 'Devolution and the Prevent Strategy in Scotland: Constitutional Politics and the Path of Scottish P/CVE', Parliamentary Affairs
77(2), pp.350-70.
- (2023) 'Rehabilitation within pre-crime interventions: The hybrid criminology of social crime prevention and countering violent extremism', Theoretical Criminology, 27(2), pp.183–203. Co-authored with Sadi Shanaah.
- (2022) 'What Drives Counter-Extremism? The Extent of P/CVE Policies in the West and their Structural Correlates', Terrorism and Political Violence, 35(8), pp.1724-1752. Co-authored with Sadi Shanaah.
- (2022) 'The Long History of Prevention: Social Defence, Security and Anticipating Future Crimes in the Era of 'Penal Welfarism', Theoretical Criminology, 26(3), pp.357-76. Co-authored with Sadi Shanaah.
- (2022) 'Cold War Psychiatry, Extremism and Expertise: The 'Special Committee Against the Political Abuse of Psychiatry', International Political Sociology, 16(1), pp.1-18.
- (2022) 'Fighting terrorism at the local level: the European Union, radicalisation prevention and the negotiation of subsidiarity', European Security, 31(2), pp.313-33. Co-authored by Francesca Melhuish & Charlotte Heath-Kelly.
- (2022) 'A Moral Education? British Values, Colour-Blindness, and Preventing Terrorism’, Critical Social Policy 42(1), pp.85-106. Co-authored by Christine Winter; Charlotte Heath-Kelly; Amna Kaleem & China Mills.
- (2021) The Political Use of Victimhood: Spanish Collective Memory of ETA through the War on Terror Paradigm, Review of International Studies 47(1), pp.1-18. Co-authored with Laura Fernandez de Mosteyrin
- (2020) Rituals of World Politics: On (Visual) Practices Disordering Things, Critical Studies on Security 8(3), pp.240-64. Co-authored by Tanja Aalberts; Xymena Kurowska; Anna Leander; Maria Mälksoo; Charlotte Heath-Kelly; Luisa Lobato; & Ted Svensson.
- (2020) Memory Loss: Post-Terrorist Sites in Norway, The Architectural Review, Issue 1467:
- (2019) Designing the Pentagon Memorial: gendered statecraft, heroic victimhood and site authenticity in War on Terror commemoration, Critical Military Studies, 6(3-4), pp.269-86.
- (2019) 'Memory Wound: Architectural Controversies in Norway after the 22 July Attacks', Ethnologie Française 173(1), pp.119-29.
- (2019) 'The Banality of Counterterrorism 'After, After 9/11'? Perspectives on the Prevent Duty from the UK Healthcare Sector', Critical Studies on Terrorism 12(1), pp.89-109. Co-authored with Erzsébet Strausz.
- (2018) 'Survivor Trees and memorial groves: Vegetal commemoration of victims of terrorism in Europe and the United States', Political Geography 64, pp.63-72. Winner of the "2019 ISA Conference Post-PhD Paper Award", from the Theory Section of the International Studies Association.
- (2018) 'Forgetting ISIS: Enmity, Drive and Repetition in Security Discourse', Critical Studies on Security 6(1), pp.85-99.
- (2017) 'The geography of pre-criminal space: epidemiological imaginations of radicalisation risk in the UK Prevent Strategy, 2007–2017', Critical Studies on Terrorism 10(2), pp.297-319.
- (2017) 'Affecting Terrorism: Laughter, lamentation and detestation as drives to terrorism knowledge', International Political Sociology 11(3), pp.239-56. Co-authored with Lee Jarvis.
- (2016) 'Algorithmic Auto-immunity in the NHS: Radicalisation and the Clinic', Security Dialogue 48(1), pp.29-45.
- (2016) 'Building a New Utøya; Re-Placing the Oslo Bombsite—Counterfactual Resilience at Post-Terrorist Sites', Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 39/4, pp.308-25.
- (2015) ‘Securing through the Failure to Secure? The Ambiguity of Resilience at the Bombsite’, Security Dialogue 46/1, pp.69-85.
- (2015) ‘Picasso at the Bombsite: Whither Resilient Place?’, Politics 35/1, pp. 72-7.
- (2015) ‘Editor’s Introduction: Neoliberalism and/as Terror’ (authored with Lee Jarvis and Christopher Baker-Beall), Critical Studies on Terrorism 8/1, pp.1-14.
- (2014) ‘Step Forward, Please’, Critical Studies on Security 2/2, pp.241-3.
- (2014) ‘Editor’s Introduction: Critical Terrorism Studies: Practice, Limit and Experience’ (authored with Lee Jarvis and Christopher Baker-Beall), Critical Studies on Terrorism 7/1, pp.1-10
- (2013) ‘Counter-Terrorism and the Counterfactual: Producing the Radicalisation Discourse and the UK PREVENT Strategy’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 15/3, pp.394-415.
- (2012) ‘Can we Laugh Yet? Reading post 9-11 Counter-Terrorism Policy as Magical Realism and Opening a Third Space of Resistance’, European Journal of Criminal Policy and Research, 18/4, pp. 343-360.
- (2012) ‘Reinventing Prevention or Exposing the Gap? False Positives in UK Terrorism Governance and the Quest for Pre-Emption’, Critical Studies on Terrorism 5/1, pp.67-85.
- (2012) ‘Rethinking ‘Waves of Terrorism’: Globally Situating the Struggles of EOKA and the Italian Militant Left’, Journal of International Relations Research 1/1, pp.55-70.
- (2011) ‘Vi Ricordate la Rivoluzione? Politica della Memoria e Militanza tra Cipro e Italia’/‘Do You Remember Revolution? The Politics of Memory and Militancy between Cyprus and Italy’, Partecipazione e Conflitto, issue 3, pp.80-99. Italian.
- (2010) ‘Critical Terrorism Studies, Critical Theory and the ‘Naturalistic Fallacy’’, Security Dialogue 41/3, pp.235-54.
Edited Books, Forums and Special Issues
- (2023) Vulnerability: Governing the Social through Security Politics, edited by Charlotte Heath-Kelly & Barbara Gruber (Manchester: Manchester University Press).
- (2018) Critical Terrorism Studies at Ten: Contributions, Cases and Future Challenges, edited by Richard Jackson, Harmonie Toros, Lee Jarvis and Charlotte Heath-Kelly (Abingdon: Routledge).
- (2017) ‘Death and Security: A Forum’, Critical Studies on Security, 5(2), pp.216-35.
- (2017) '10 Years of Critical Terrorism Studies’, special issue of Critical Studies on Terrorism edited by Richard Jackson, Harmonie Toros, Charlotte Heath-Kelly, and Lee Jarvis, 10(2).
- (2015) Neoliberalism and Terror: Critical Engagements, edited by Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Lee Jarvis and Chris Baker-Beall (Abingdon: Taylor and Francis). See review in Global Policy journal here.
- (2015) ‘Neoliberalism and/as Terror’, special issue of Critical Studies on Terrorism, edited by Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Lee Jarvis and Chris Baker-Beall, 8(1).
- (2014) Counter-Radicalisation: Critical Perspectives, edited by Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Lee Jarvis and Chris Baker-Beall (Abingdon: Routledge). See review in Journal of Social Science Education here.
- (2014) ‘Critical Terrorism Studies: Practice, Limits, Experience’, special issue of Critical Studies on Terrorism, edited by Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Lee Jarvis and Chris Baker-Beall, 7(1).
(2024) ‘Unhealthy Liaisons: NHS Collaboration with the Counter Terrorism Clinical Consultancy Service’. London: MedAct.
- (2021) ‘Racism, Mental Illness and Pre-Crime Policing: The Ethics of Vulnerability Support Hubs’, by Hilary Aked; Tarek Younis and Charlotte Heath-Kelly. London: MedAct.
- (2018) Counter-Terrorism in the NHS: Evaluating Prevent Duty Safeguarding in the NHS’, by Charlotte Heath-Kelly and Erzsebet Strausz.
Book Chapters
‘Counter-Radicalisation Surveillance as a Public Health Measure: Counterterrorism in the Public Sector’ in Radicalisation: A Global and Comparative Perspective, edited by Akil Awan and James R. Lewis (London: Hurst & Company, 2023), pp.383-402.
- 'Memorial Sites: Sighting and Siting Memory' in the Handbook on the Politics of Memory, edited by Maria Mälksoo (Edward Elgar, 2023), pp.216-27
- ‘Staging Memorialisation: Performing the War on Terror and Resilient Nationalism’ in The Oxford Handbook of Performance and Politics, edited by Shirin Rai, M Gluhovic, S Jestrovic & M Saward (Oxford University Press, 2021), pp.279-92.
- ‘Forgetting ISIS: Enmity, Drive and Repetition in Security Discourse’ in Who’s Afraid of ISIS?, edited by Daniel Monk (Taylor & Francis, 2019) pp.85-99.
- 'Sacred Rituals of the Security State: Reclaiming Bodies and Making Relics from Ground Zero' in The Materiality of Mourning, edited by Ruth Toulson and Zahra Newby (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019), pp.205-21.
- ‘Critical Approaches’ in Oxford Handbook on Terrorism, edited by Erica Chenoweth, Andreas Gofas, Richard English and Stathis Kalyvas (Oxford University Press, 2019).
- ‘Seeing Radicalisation? The Pedagogy of the Prevent Strategy’ in Routledge Handbook of Critical International Relations, edited by Jenny Edkins (Abingdon, Routledge, 2019), pp.161-75. Co-authored with Erzsebet Strausz.
- 'Is Counter-radicalization an Effective Counterterrorist Tool?: NO' in Contemporary Debates on Terrorism, 2nd Edition, edited by Richard Jackson & Daniela Pisoiu (Abingdon: Routledge, 2018).
- ‘Resilience and Disaster Sites: The Disastrous Temporality of the ‘Recovery-to-Come’’, Chapter 24 in The Routledge Handbook of International Resilience: Policies, Theories and Practices, edited by Jon Coaffee and David Chandler (Abingdon: Routledge, 2016).
- ‘Poststructuralism and Constructivism’ in The Routledge Handbook of Critical Terrorism Studies, edited by Richard Jackson (Abingdon: Routledge, 2016).
- ‘Collective Memory and Terrorism’ in The Routledge Handbook of Critical Terrorism Studies, edited by Richard Jackson (Abingdon: Routledge, 2016).
- ‘The Foundational Masquerade: Security as Sociology of Death’ in Masquerades of War, edited by Christine Sylvester (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015).
- ‘Talking about Revolution: Ex-militant Testimony and Conditions of Tell-ability’ in Critical Methods in Terrorist Studies, edited by Priya Dixit and Jacob Stump (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015).
- ‘Counter-terrorism: The Ends of a Secular Ministry’ in Critical Perspectives on Counter-Terrorism, edited by Lee Jarvis and Michael Lister (Abingdon: Routledge, 2014), pp.41-55.
- ‘Introduction: Counter-Radicalisation: Critical Perspectives’, co-authored with Christopher Baker-Beall & Lee Jarvis, in Counter-Radicalisation: Critical Perspectives, edited by Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Christopher Baker-Beall & Lee Jarvis (Abingdon: Routledge, 2014).
Op-Eds and Media:
- (2019) Public Health Approaches to Radicalisation: The Evidence Base, Discover Society, 04 September 2018 (2018)
- (2018) Rebels without a Cause? Safeguarding, Risk and Banality in the Prevent Strategy, The Disorder of Things, 21st December 2018.
- (2018) Terrorism, Autism and Mental Health, Discover Society, 5th June 2018.
- (2017) New Counter-Terror Rules Give GP's Bizarre Incentives to Refer Mental Health Patients as Radicalisation Threat, The Conversation, 13 December 2017.
- (2017) ‘Resilience’ and rituals bring people together, but our true reactions are more complex, The Conversation, 6 June 2017.
- (2016) 'Why Refusing to Build Memorials for Terror Attacks is a Bold Political Statement', The Conversation.
- (2016) ‘Counterterrorism in the NHS: ‘Prevent takes to the Clinic’, E-International Relations.
- (2015) ‘How 7/7 Changed the way Britain Mourns Victims of Terrorism’, The Conversation, 7 July 2015.
- (2011) ‘Antonio Negro: Diary of an Escape’, Critical Studies on Terrorism 4/2, pp.295-98.