Sample list of hotels in the proximity of the venue
We strongly recommend to book accommodation early, since, as expected, hotel prices in Venice can be very high.
The comments below are from local organizers from Venice.
Click here for a google map which shows the locations of these hotels and the workshop venue.
- Ca' Gottardi
- This hotel is used quite frequently, very close to the venue and very friendly staff
- Strada Nova, Cannaregio 2283, 30121 Venezia
- Tel: +39 41 275 9333
- Fax: +39 41 275 9421
- Email:
- Hotel Giorgione
- Also used frequently and very close to the venue
- Calle Larga dei Proverbi, Cannaregio 4587, 30121 Venezia
- Tel: +39 41 522 5810
- Fax: +39 41 523 9092
- Hotel Ca’ d’Oro
- Cheaper than the first two
- Corte Barbaro, Cannaregio 4604, 30121 Venezia
- Tel: +39 41 241 1212
- Maison Venezia di UNA Esperienze
- (Former UNA Hotel Venezia)
- Ruga do Pozzi, Cannaregio 4173, 30121 Venezia
- Tel: +39 41 244 2714
- Fax: +39 41 244 2712
- We_Crociferi
- This is the cheapest, breakfast is a very basic one, used frequently, very close to the venue
- Campo dei Gesuiti, Cannaregio 4878, 30121 Venezia
- Tel: +39 41 528 6103
- Email:
- 3749 Ponte Chiodo Guest House
- Cannaregio, 3749, 30121 Venezia
- Grand Hotel Dei Dogi, The Dedica Anthology
- Fondamenta Madonna dell'Orto, 3500, 30121 Venezia
- Tel: +39 41 220 8111