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Top 5 things to do from home

‘How do I make the most of my time when working from home?’ 

Working from home can be isolating and it can be hard to decide what to spend your time on and how to be productive when working on your own or in an environment with many distractions. This guide will provide you will some suggestions to help you to focus and be motivated when working from home.

What you’ll need: 

  • 30-60 minutes. 
  • Pens, notebook, laptop, or your preferred notetaking method. 


Do online courses

When you have some spare time and you are at home, one of the best way to maintain and enlarge your knowledge is to complete online courses. These courses allow you to learn remotely; online courses allow you to explore and focus on topics you are interested in.
Often, after completing an online course, you are given a digital certificate which you can include in your CV and display on your LinkedIn profile; these
certificates can be of great value when you apply for jobs and internships.

Spot Opportunities. 

These are all companies which were founded during the Great Depression of 2007-08-09!

Try to identify which industries might see large expansion in the next few years and list down a series of companies you believe are likely to grow in the foreseeable future.
Then, be creative: try to imagine an innovative product/service (not existing yet) that you believe could leverage on the trends you have observed.

Note: Timing is a factor influencing start ups' success. Get it right, and you will be on the right track to skyrocket your venture!

Attend virtual webinars

Why not try attending virtual webinars during your spare time ?
Many organisations are delivering virtual webinars in these days. These webinars can be a great glimpse into a company 's culture and can allow you to connect with potential employers. Do your own research and find which webinars you can attend for FREE!

Grow your network

The SCAMPER helps you generate ideas by encouraging you to ask 7 different questions to help you understand how you can innovate and improve existing products, services, problems and ideas.


Building and growing your network will very likely allow you to extend your knowledge on a given topic and will possibly allow you to connect with people that may be of support during your career. "Networks deliver three unique advantages: private information, access to diverse skill sets, and power"
(B. Uzzi, S. Dunlap, 2005).


  1. Use online platforms
  2. Use network apps
  3. Attending networking events - as well as student societies.

Stay Healthy. 

  • Do some YOGA for a bit of stress relief, physical fitness and self-reflection.
  • Watch YouTube fitness videos to do some exercises with other people around the world.
  • Improvise what you have at home as gym equipment and do exercise regularly while at home
  • Go for a walk, this may also spur some ideas.

Further Support 

For more information on developing your entrepreneurial skills or launching your business idea, book a 1:1 here.