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DTC Quantitative Methods module 2012/13 (Term 2): Assessment


The module will be assessed via two short pieces of work, these being in each case the application, via SPSS, of a statistical technique or techniques to existing social survey data.

The first piece of work, to be submitted by the end of Term 2 (i.e. by 4.30pm on Friday 15 March 2013), will involve a bivariate analysis, and will draw upon material from the early-to-mid part of Term 2; the second piece of work, to be submitted by the beginning of Term 3 (i.e. by 4.30pm on Monday 22 April 2013), will involve a multivariate analysis, and will draw upon material from the latter part of Term 2.

Further details of the assessments will be provided (and uploaded to this web page) as the module progresses. They will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis, with feedback being provided, with a view (where relevant) to appropriate revisions being made to problematic submissions.

More detailed specifications (draft, last updated 30/1/2013)

Assessment 1 specifications (26/2/2013)

Assessment 2 specifications (15/3/2013)