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Stage 4: Consolidation

This represents that phase of the project – the longest phase in a settled and successful collaboration – where partners are working together effectively and have achievements that can be acknowledged and celebrated. By this stage, the pattern of meetings, communications and collaborative work should have become relatively settled. Sufficient joint work will have been completed for partners to have established a degree of trust in each other’s capacity and reliability. Investment of time in building social contact should have resulted in warmer personal relationships and even a sense of friendship among the participants. Positive outcomes emerging from the project can be communicated to the partner institutions and the process of sharing learning from the project will have begun.
  • Consolidate procedures – harnessing improved mutual understanding
  • Feed creativity through exploring differences
  • Communicate achievement and celebrate success
  • Sustain context-rich communication – based on deepening personal relationships
  • Broadcast success to reinforce wider networks
Synergistic solutionsfind creative solutions that can reconcile different opinions/procedures
Goal orientation – reaffirm and deliver on agreed goals despite pressures to compromise
Attuning – pick up meaning from indirect signals such as intonation, eye contact and body language
Stylistic flexibility – use different language styles flexibly to suit different purposes, contexts and audiences
Rapport building – exhibit warmth and friendliness– maintain and extend working relationships
Interpersonal attentiveness – pay focused attention to individual sensitivities (e.g. status, competence, social identity)
Inner Purpose – show determination to persevere and to achieve individual and collective goals
Acceptance accept positively behaviour and judgements that are different