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March eBulletin

History at the Higher Education Academy

March eBulletin

There has been much recent speculation about the future of the Subject Centre network. The Higher Education Academy is currently going through a period of organisational change but no firm decisions have been made about the future. In the meantime, we are planning activities and events for 2010-11 as usual. We will update you if the situation changes.

We are delighted to announce the first recipient of our Recognition scheme: Filippo Nereo of the University of Manchester. Filippo produced an impressive portfolio for the award and receives £500.

 - Dr Sarah Richardson, History Subject Director


Upcoming Events


HumBox: An inspiring collection of free Humanities Teaching Resources launched on 26th February and is now open to all.


The History Subject Centre has been part of this year long JISC/HEA funded project, in collaboration with three other humanities subject centres. The aim has been to provide a new way of storing, publishing and sharing your humanities teaching resources within an online space. With over 1000 resources already available, join the growing humanities community of HumBox: see what is available to use in your teaching and add your own material for reuse by fellow academics.

Our email: Our telephone: (024) 76 150 892
Copyright (C) 2009 History at the Higher Education Academy. All rights reserved.