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IATL 10th Anniversary

IATL 10th Anniversary

We are excited to announce the tenth anniversary programme at the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL)

We are excited to announce the tenth anniversary programme at the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL)

Throughout 2020 we will celebrate the first decade of IATL, which was established in 2010 when the CAPITAL and Reinvention Centres united to form a new academic department at Warwick. Over the time, IATL has been an institutional leader in educational innovation, undergraduate research and co-creation with students. While the educational and political landscape around us has changed in fundamental ways, the opportunities for interdisciplinary and international collaboration are now more exciting than ever. Over a series of workshops and events this year, we will look ahead to Coventry City of Culture in 2021, BCUR & WCUR in 2022 and various projects in support of ‘Excellence with Purpose: Warwick in 2030’, an exciting university strategy that we have helped to shape over recent years.

Events Coming Up

Past Events


Time and place

Scheduled Events

Title (Time)



Scheduled Evets

Title (2-4.30pm)


Scheduled Events

For more information....