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New Module Proposal - Expression of Intent

This Expression of Intent form is for Warwick staff to propose a new interdisciplinary module in IATL. 

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Please read the guidance below before you begin this application.

We use the information you submit in this application form to make a decision on whether your proposed module is appropriate for IATL's portfolio of interdisciplinary UG and PG modules. Please include as much detail as possible so the review panel can understand:

  • how your module puts interdisciplinary teaching and learning into practice
  • how your module would support student-led learning
  • how your module would contribute to IATL’s existing portfolio of modules
  • how you would ensure your module would be sustainable to run for years to come

Modules on any theme are invited. 

Applications are due by 12pm (UK time) on Friday 26th July 2024

If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone about applying, please email us on:

Please note:

You may wish to look at IATL's strategic focus : IATL's Strategy, IATL’s pages on Interdisciplinarity and IATL’s existing Module Portfolio 


2. Module outline

2.2 Proposals must reflect our principles of Interdisciplinary Teaching and learning

Please explain how your module puts into practice the following:


3. IATL's and your aims

Confirmation (required)

                                                                              IATL's Module Convenor Handbook

What next? (required)
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