Call for New Interdisciplinary Modules

Are you interested in developing a new taught module at UG or PGT level which places learning beyond disciplinary boundaries at its core?
The Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) is pleased to announce a special call for new interdisciplinary module proposals beginning in the academic year 2025/26.
IATL offers an exciting portfolio of modules which are available to all UG and PGT students across the university: 15 CATS at UG level and 10, 15 or 20 CATS at PGT level.
Deadline for Expressions of Intent: 12.00pm (UK time) on Friday 26th July 2024.
NB: Modules to start in academic year 2025/26.
Call for New Modules
IATL aims to provide sector-leading interdisciplinary learning experiences for students across our University. As such, we are always looking to expand and innovate through exciting new modules.
We are currently seeking module proposals which can offer a transformative learning experience to students at UG and PGT level on themes that can facilitate a 'radical' interdisciplinary learning experience in which all students across our University could thrive equally, regardless of disciplinary background.
Proposals should:
- Put into practice Interdisciplinary Teaching and LearningLink opens in a new window.
- Offer a clear 3-5 year plan that illustrates how the module would run sustainably.
- Illustrate how the proposed module enhances the existing Module Portfolio, and reflects the IATL Strategy, including initial thoughts on how it aims to incorporate our 3 Foundational Principles: Research-led Educational Innovation, Participatory Practices, and Inclusive Structures and Care-Rooted Approaches.
- Confirm the applicant is willing and able to participate in all teaching and learning-related requirements and policies as a potential Module Convenor for IATL.
- Confirm the applicant is able and willing to seek endorsement from their Head of Department, if the application enters the next stage of review and selection.
Modules should embrace our guidelines of Interdisciplinarity Teaching and Learning.
Please do explore IATL’s current portfolio of UG and PGT modules prior to applying.
For any additional questions on this process, please get in touch with our Director of Studies:

Selection Process
Round 1: Expression of Intent
The first round of the selection process involves the completion of an Expression of Intent form, which is a guided activity to give applicants an opportunity to articulate their module proposal ideas to IATL. Expressions of Intent forms must be submitted by 12 pm Friday, 26th July 2024.
Round 2: Formal Module Proposal
If the Expression of Intent aligns with IATL’s teaching and learning strategy and demonstrates potential to enhance the Department’s portfolio of interdisciplinary modules, the applicant will be invited to complete a formal Module Proposal (with support from the IATL Team). Module Proposals must be submitted to IATL by 12 pm on Friday, 13th September 2024.
From there, IATL will subsequently select the Module Proposals the Department will support during academic year 2024/25, offering up to £2500 to facilitate their development in anticipation for their run in 2025/26.
Why should I propose an IATL module?
IATL Convenors enjoy a range of benefits from designing and delivering an interdisciplinary module in IATL. It is an opportunity to:
- Further develop your own approaches to Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning.
- Collaborate with a new network of colleagues from around the university representing different disciplinary backgrounds and experiences.
- Engage with a diverse range of students on different degree programmes.
- Acquire a support network and belong to a community of interdisciplinary practitioners from our University.
- Enhance your teaching profile and demonstrate educational impact towards academic promotion.

How our modules are taught and assessed
IATL modules are typically taught in 1x two-hour sessions per week and run for a term. Class sizes average between 20-30 students. Sessions often feature weekly contributors from a range of disciplinary and professional backgrounds; problem-based and student-centred learning activities; and interactive, multidisciplinary group activities and discussion.
These skills of working with people from different backgrounds and developing complex understandings of concepts are increasingly valued by both students and employers alike, and offer students ways of engaging with some of the big questions facing us today. In an IATL module, students are not merely learning about the world, they are working with others to develop new ways of understanding it. And in this sense, they feature some of the core elements of interdisciplinary learning (i.e. collaboration, critical thinking, dealing with uncertainty, and reflection).
IATL Assessments vary, though they tend to be student-led, and encourage creativity, innovation and alternative research formats. You can find out more about our assessment methods here.
You can also explore our new online Assessment Exhibition space which showcases student assessed work on IATL modules.
IATL's Module Convenors' HandbookLink opens in a new window contains more information.