IATL team update, May 2017
The IATL team is delighted to welcome Dr Nefeli Chatzistefani, who began working with us as our new Early Career Teaching Fellow earlier this month.
Congratulations are due to: Emma Barker for her recent move within IATL to the more senior role of Journal and Conferences Manager, from Event Manager for ICUR & Managing Editor of Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research; Phil Gaydon, who has been working with us as Associate Tutor since 2013 and will be leaving in September to take up the position of Teacher of Philosophy at St Paul’s School in London.
We also bid a fond farewell to the following members of the team: Elaina Behl, who began working with us on a temporary basis as Projects Officer in May 2016 and left to take up a position at an awarding body at the end of March; Amy Clarke, who was a key member of the IATL team from late September 2010 as Office Manager and, most recently, maternity cover for the post of Event Manager for ICUR 2016 & Managing Editor of Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research, leaving in early April to pursue a career as a chef; and Wendy Brown, who started work as our temporary Office Manager in March 2016 and left in April to take up an administrative position in Estates.
Finally, we will soon be advertising for a new Office Manager, and a Journal and Conferences Administrator. Please keep an eye on the university’s vacancies page, where you can also set up email job alerts.