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Fraser Logan - Teaching Fellow

Contact Details

Teaching Fellow

Office: SH2.02, IATL, Senate House


Fraser Logan is a Teaching Fellow of IATL and an Associate Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Study. He is a Module Co-Convenor (with Dr Heather Meyer) on a new IATL module, 'Your Idea, Your Research: How to Pursue Your Passion Project at Warwick'.

He received his PhD in Philosophy (Warwick) in 2023 with a thesis titled 'Nietzsche on Honesty'. Prior to this, he completed an MA in Continental Philosophy (Warwick), an MLitt in International Political Theory (St Andrews), and an MA (Hons) in International Relations and Politics (Dundee). His recent publications include a paper on "spontaneous life writing" and a paper on the relationship between honesty and parrhēsia, the Cynic virtue of outspokenness. He is interested in unconventional forms of philosophical writing and has written a book of 800 original aphorisms (available on request).