Inspired by the British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR) held at Warwick in March 2012, and supported by the Monash-Warwick Alliance, the inaugural Monash-Warwick International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) was held on Friday 10th May. The conference was organised by the joint Monash-Warwick team of staff and students working on the universities' undergraduate research journal Reinvention and the Student Careers and Skills team at Warwick. It was hosted by undergraduates and supported by student volunteers: ambassadors, comperes, session chairs, project officers, and social media co-ordinators.
The conference was a global, 24-hour event featuring a number of sessions delivered concurrently at Monash and Warwick Universities, with presenters linked not just by themes, but also by technology. Research from a broad range of disciplines was presented, via 20-minute oral presentations or posters, by 89 students in 4 continents using video links between Monash Australia, Monash Malaysia, Monash South Africa and Warwick.
The conference offered undergraduate students the opportunity to:
- Present their academic research in an exciting, global 24-hour event;
- Gain support and training in writing a conference abstract, creating a poster, networking at a conference and creating and delivering an effective presentation;
- Gain experience of attending an academic conference;
- Write a research paper for the universities' undergraduate research publication Reinvention;
- Travel to the opposite institution to present their research during the conference (three Monash students and three Warwick students were selected to receive a full stipend to fly to the UK and Australia respectively).