WorldCUR-BCUR 2023 - Abstract Reviews
WorldCUR-BCUR 2023 abstract review process*
When you have submitted your application, it will be assessed by the WorldCUR-BCUR 2023 Review Panel, based on how successfully it responds to the key questions:
A few weeks after the abstract submission period officially closes, you will be informed of your initial abstract outcome.
There are three possible outcomes as part of this first stage:
- Accepted
- Revise and Resubmit
- Rejected
In the first instance, most abstracts will be accepted, or students will be asked to revise and resubmit their abstracts. Revised abstracts will be re-assessed by the panel, and we will contact you with the final outcome. If your proposal is ultimately not accepted for WorldCUR or BCUR, we will provide you with feedback from the panel, to support your learning, and encourage you to apply again to your next regional or international undergraduate conference.
The Review Panel will assess your abstract on how successfully it communicates your responses to the questions: Why? What? So What? Now What? It will also assess the presentation of your abstract to ensure that it is clear, concise, and accessible to an interdisciplinary and international audience. For more information on our assessment criteria, please look at our Assessment Rubric and OutcomesLink opens in a new window.
*WorldCUR-BCUR 2023 Abstract Review is based on The University of Warwick's International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) Abstract Review System.
Widening Participation Criterion
Selection to present at both WorldCUR & BCUR will also be determined by widening participation criteria to ensure the widest diversity as possible in order to provide exciting and thought provoking conference experiences. The Review Panels will consider diversity of voice, diversity of ideas, and diversity of form of presentationLink opens in a new window. We are seeking new voices to share their new ideas, we will be inviting attendees from across the world and across disciplines, and encourage creativity and innovation of both ideas and presentation style.
WorldCUR-BCUR 2023 Abstract Review Panel
The Abstract Review Panel will be comprised of both staff and student reviewers.
Each Abstract will be reviewed by a staff-student pairing, one of whom has the abstract's subject area with their broad disciplinary specialism and the other of whom identifies as a non-specialist.
We value student participation as review panelists as this co-creation directly contributes to the success of the conferences. Students can also benefit from joining the review panel, building new skills and experience to take into future employment, as researchers and beyond.
We encourage all students from across the world and across all disciplines to join the WorldCUR-BCUR 2023 Abstract Review Panel, and request that all staff (Faculty & Admin) promote the advantages to their students, to ensure that our review panel is as diverse as the WorldCUR-BCUR 2023 audience and presentations promise to be.
Applications to join WorldCUR-BCUR 2023 Abstract Review Panel are currently closed.
Join the Abstract Review Panel
Applications to join the Abstract Review Panel are currently closed.
We are seeking a diverse review panel, including staff and students from across the world and across disciplines.
We welcome and encourage students to sign-up to join the review panel.
If you have applied only to WorldCUR and your abstract is successful, you will be invited to attend the 3 day immersive conference and present your research at WorldCUR.
If you have applied only to BCUR and your abstract is successful, you will be invited to present your research at BCUR and you will have the flexibility to decide to attend the full 2 days or only your presentation day.
If you have applied to both WorldCUR & BCUR, then the Abstract Review Panel will determine which conference is most suitable for you to present your research. If you are invited to present at WorldCUR you will attend the full 3 day immersive conference, and if you are invited to present at BCUR you will have the flexibility to decide to attend the full 2 days or only your presentation day.