WorldCUR-BCUR Delegate Information

Main Program
This year the WorldCUR/BCUR programme schedule will be hosted in Oxford Abstracts, in keeping with our goal to make this a sustainable event. An overview of what is on offer on each day of the event can be found here, but please use log in to your WorldCUR/BCUR Oxford Abstracts account to access the full detail of the programme, presentation titles and abstracts.
Delegate Checklist
We want all delegates to be prepared to enjoy the conferences and make the most of their time and the experience. Please take a look at our delegate checklist as you prepare to join us for the event, as it may help you to feel better prepared and more confident.
Orientation Activities
Our Orientation Activities are organised trips which will take place on Monday 3rd April for those arriving early for the full WorldCUR event. Any interested delegates can find all the details, booking forms and payment platform at the link.
Religious Observance
We are thrilled to be welcoming delegates of so many nationalities to the joint WorldCUR/BCUR event. Please visit this page to find resources that delegates can access to observe their faith during our event.
Complementary Sessions
Throughout our programme we are hosting sessions and workshops that are complementary to our main spoken, poster, exhibit and performance research presentation sessions. Please see the programme on Oxford Abstracts for full details.
Finding Your Way
Please follow the link for our detailed information page on travelling to the Warwick campus by all modes of transport, as well as resources for finding your way around our campus once you get here.