Present like you’re telling a story! A story for all ages and backgrounds.
Be mindful that your audience comprises people from specialist and non-specialist backgrounds, and that your presentation should be accessible to and inclusive of both types of people. They are the heroes of the learning journey throughout your presentation. Think about how you can walk them through your story with ease.
Craft the Beginning
What is the problem you have tried to address in your research?
Why is this important? What is unique about this? Is it the identification of the problem, the methodology, or perhaps a new target audience that has previously been excluded from research? People should be nodding their heads in recognition because you’re articulating what they already understand. This creates a bond between you and opens them to your ideas for change.
After you set that baseline of what is, introduce your vision of what could be. The gap between the two will throw the audience a bit off balance, and that’s a good thing — it jars them out of complacency.
Develop the Middle
Now that people in your audience realize their world is off-kilter, keep playing up the contrast between what is and what could be. Show. Don’t tell. This is the perfect place for your data analysis to come in. Don’t, however, forget to tell the story about the numbers. For instance, reflect on:
- Is there a gap in the data
- What does this mean
- Why does this gap exist
- Who is this meaningful to?
As you move back and forth between what is and what could be, the audience will find the latter more and more alluring.
Make the Ending Powerful
What do you want your hero to take away from this? You don’t want to end with a burdensome list of to-dos. Definitely include a call to action — but make it inspiring so people will want to act. Describe what I call the new bliss: how much better their world will be when they adopt your ideas.
The Extraordinary Experience Lab (2022). The Heroic Learner Profile [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Nov. 2023].